Andrei Kurylovich, whose 3D fan art of Nilokeras from Aldnoah Zero we showcased earlier this year, has now shared a cool detailed animation, which provides a glimpse into the interior of a spaceship with steampunk visuals, likely created using Blender, which Andrei often uses for his projects.This ship design with major Treasure Planet vibes is part of Andreis space pirate universe, which will get a fully animated sequence:Andrei specializes in mech, robot, and vehicle art, crafting both fan art and original designs. Follow his X/Twitter page for more updates on this project, and take a look at some of his recent works below:Dont forget tojoin our80 Level Talent platformand ournew Discord server, follow us onInstagram,Twitter,LinkedIn,Telegram,TikTok, andThreads,where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.Source link The post Take A Sneak Peek At This Space Pirate Ships Cargo Deck appeared first on CG SHARES.