Pokmon Go Scroll Cup Great League Edition best team recommendations
The Scroll Cup: Great League Edition is a limited-time cup in the Pokmon Go Battle League that only allows three types of Pokmon to enter: dark-, fighting-, and water-type Pokmon.These types appear to be inspired by the Legendary Kubfus evolution, Urshifu, which can be fighting-/dark-type or fighting-/water-type depending on its form.With so many popular Pokmon not falling under these three typings, youre going to have to think carefully when building the best team for the Scroll Cup. To help you along the way, weve put together a list of the top Pokmon and their optimal movesets.Scroll Cup: Great League Edition restrictionsOnly three types of Pokmon are allowed to enter the Scroll Cup: dark-, fighting-, and water-type Pokmon. Theres also a 1,500 CP limit for each member of your team, due to the Great League aspect of the competition. The final restriction is that Primarina will not be allowed to enter the Scroll Cup.Although these rules do heavily limit your team choices, the good news is that dual-type Pokmon are eligible to enter. For example, the electric-/dark-type Morpeko is allowed on your team because of its secondary dark- typing. As with most of these limited-time cups, Pokmon with dual typings tend to perform the best thanks to their unique resistances and varied movesets.Scroll Cup best teamHeres one of the best teams you can use for the Scroll Cup in Pokmon Go:ToxapexGastrodonAnnihilapeAs well as being great Pokmon for the 1,500 CP format in general, all three have dual typings that give them an advantage against several Pokmon youll likely encounter in the Scroll Cup. Youll also have access to a wide variety of moves, including fighting-, ghost-, ground-, ice-, normal-, poison-, and water-type attacks. This reduces your chances of being caught off guard with a Pokmon that you cant counter.Running the format through PvPokes simulator shows that Toxapex is expected to be the number-one Pokmon in the Scroll Cup. Not only does it have an astonishingly high defense stat, it also has eight type resistances, including fighting-type and water-type attacks, which puts it in an excellent position to outlast your opponents on the battlefield.Gastrodon is another incredibly bulky Pokmon that youll want on your team. Its got a great moveset, neutral coverage thanks to the charged attack Body Slam, and just one weakness to worry about: grass-type attacks. Even better, its a solid counter for some of the biggest threats in the Scroll Cup, including Sableye, Morpeko, and Toxapex.Rounding out our team recommendation is Annihilape. This fearsome fighting-/ghost-type Pokmon has been a mainstay in the Great League ever since it made its Pokmon Go debut in 2024, and it translates very well to the Scroll Cup. Its got a huge attack stat and some great moves including the top-tier fast attack Counter.If you dont have those Pokmon in your collection or you dont have enough Candy and Stardust to optimize them for the Scroll Cup there are plenty of other Pokmon you can try instead. These include Sableye, Azumarill, Morpeko, Mandibuzz, Lanturn, Chesnaught, and Whiscash. You can find more details about these Pokmon in the next section.Scroll Cup best Pokmon moves and IVsHere are some of the top Pokmon to use in the Scroll Cup, as well as their optimal movesets and IVs:PokmonTypeBest Fast MoveBest Charged MovesPerfect IVsToxapexPoison/WaterPoison JabBrine and Sludge Wave0 / 15 / 15GastrodonWater/GroundMud SlapBody Slam and Earth Power1 / 15 / 14AnnihilapeFighting/GhostCounterRage Fist and Ice Punch2 / 15 / 15SableyeDark/GhostShadow ClawFoul Play and Dazzling Gleam0 / 15 / 15AzumarillWater/FairyBubbleIce Beam and Play Rough0 / 15 / 15MorpekoElectric/DarkThunder ShockAura Wheel and Psychic Fangs1 / 15 / 15MandibuzzDark/FlyingAir SlashFoul Play and Aerial Ace0 / 13 / 15LanturnWater/ElectricSparkSurf and Thunderbolt0 / 13 / 14ChesnaughtGrass/FightingVine WhipFrenzy Plant and Superpower1 / 15 / 15WhiscashWater/GroundMud ShotMud Bomb and Scald0 / 14 / 13Two of these Pokmon Azumarill and Sableye require XL Candy and a lot of Stardust to get close to the 1,500 CP limit, so they wont be viable for everyone. That said, both of these Pokmon are excellent choices for the standard Great League, making them worthy investments if you have the resources to spare.We havent included Shadow Pokmon in our list of recommendations as they tend to be quite rare and not every trainer will have them in their collection. If youre lucky enough to have a Shadow Annihilape with good IVs, its definitely worth giving it a spot on your team.Whatever team you end up using in the Scroll Cup, the general rules apply: Make sure youve got a range of coverage options, power each Pokmon up as close to the 1,500 CP limit as possible, and use TMs to teach them their best attacks. Once youve done all of that, its time to battle!
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