PlayStation Store Mega March promotion starts March 12
PlayStation Store welcomes a new promotion tomorrow: Mega March! For a limited time*, you can enjoy discounts across a variety of games on the storefront, including the likes of Dynasty Warriors: Origins, Diablo IV and many, many more.Get a preview of just some of the game deals below, then head to PlayStation Store when the promotion goes live to see the full list and find out your regional discount.13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim60 Seconds! ReatomizedAce Attorney Investigations CollectionACM Deluxe EditionAEW: Fight ForeverAFL 23Alaskan Road TruckersAlien: Isolation The CollectionAliens: Dark DescentAngry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs (PSVR2)Another Crabs TreasureAO Tennis 2Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney TrilogyArcade Game Series: Pac-ManArranger: A Role-Puzzling AdventureAssassins Creed III RemasteredAssassins Creed IV: Black FlagAssassins Creed Odyssey Deluxe EditionAssassins Creed Odyssey Gold EditionAssassins Creed Origins Deluxe EditionAssassins Creed Origins Season PassAssassins Creed Rogue RemasteredAssassins Creed SyndicateAssassins Creed Syndicate Season PassAssassins Creed UnityAssassins Creed Valhalla Meteor ExpansionAssassins Creed Valhalla Ragnarok EditionAssassins Creed Valhalla Deluxe PS4 & PS5Assassins Creed: The Ezio CollectionAsterigos: Curse of the Stars Deluxe EditionAstral AscentBatman: Arkham VRBayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary BundleBee SimulatorBen 10Beyond the Dawn Ultimate EditionBipedBloodborne Complete Edition BundleBloodRayne 2: ReVamped PS5BloodRayne: ReVamped PS5Builder SimulatorBus SimulatorBus Simulator 21 Next Stop Gold EditionCall of Duty Ghosts & Season Pass BundleCall of Duty: Advanced Warfare Digital Pro EditionCall of Duty: Black Ops 4Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies Chronicles EditionCall of Duty: Infinite Warfare Digital Deluxe EditionCall of Duty: Modern WarfareCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign RemasteredCall of Duty: Modern Warfare RemasteredCall of Duty: WWII Digital DeluxeCall of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Standard EditionCall of Duty: Modern WarfareCaptain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions Deluxe EditionCartel TycoonCat Quest III: The Fur-tastic TrilogyCATAN Console EditionCatherine: Full BodyCities: Skylines PlayStation 4 EditionCities: Skylines PS5Clock Tower: RewindCode VeinCode Vein Season PassCollege Football AFB BundleConstruction SimulatorContra Anniversary CollectionContra: Operation GalugaCore KeeperCrash Team Racing Nitro-FueledCrysis Remastered TrilogyDarkest DungeonDarkest Dungeon IIDarkest Dungeon: Ancestral EditionDarkest DungeonDaymare: 1994 Sandcastle PS5Dead by Daylight: Donut ChapterDead Cells: DLC BundleDead Cells: Return to Castlevania BundleDead Island 2 Expansion PassDead Island 2 Main GameDead Island: Definitive EditionDead Rising 2Dead Rising 2: Off the RecordDead Rising 4: Franks Big PackageDead Rising Deluxe RemasterDEATHLOOP Deluxe EditionDemeoDEMON SLAYER : KIMETSU NO YAIBA THE HINOKAMI CHRONICLESDemon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba The Hinokami Chronicles Core Add-on BundleDemon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba The Hinokami Chronicles Ultimate EditionDemons Souls Digital Deluxe EditionDeus Ex: Mankind DividedDiablo IV Base Game BundleDIGIMON SURVIVEDiRT Rally 2.0: Game of the Year EditionDishonored Definitive EditionDishonored: Death of the OutsiderDOOM 3DOOM Eternal Deluxe Edition PS4 & PS5Dragon Age: Inquisition Deluxe EditionDragon Ball XenoverseDragon Ball Xenoverse 2DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT Legendary EditionDragon Quest Builders 2Dragons Dogma 2 DeluxeEditionDragons Dogma: Dark ArisenDreamWorks All-Star Kart Racing (BASE GAME)DREDGEDREDGE The Pale ReachDying Light HellraidDying Light: The Following Enhanced EditionDYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINSDYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS Digital Deluxe EditionDysmantleEnd of Zoe_PS5ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the KnightsENDER MAGNOLIAExoprimal_PS5Extra Content Shop All Access Voucher PS4 & PS5 (PS5)Fallout 4FANTASIAN Neo DimensionFar Cry 4Far Cry 5Far Cry New Dawn Ultimate EditionFar Cry 6 Game of the Year EditionFAR CRY6 Standard EditionFear the SpotlightFINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES Remastered EditionFinal Fantasy IX Digital EditionFinal Fantasy VIIFINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTHFinal Fantasy VII RemakeFINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE & REBIRTH Twin PackFINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADEFinal Fantasy VIII RemasteredFinal Fantasy X/X-2 HD RemasterFinal Fantasy XV Royal EditionFINAL FANTASY XVIFirst Responder Police Firefighting BundleFist of the North Star: Lost ParadiseFive Nights at Freddys VR: Help WantedFootball Manager 2024 ConsoleFor Honor Standard EditionFor Honor Ultimate EditionForspoken Digital Deluxe EditionFRONT MISSION 2: RemakeFunko Fusion + Bob Ross BundleG.I. 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Mania DLCVALKYRIE PROFILE: LENNETH (PS4/5)VENDETTA FOREVERVirtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown Main game & DLC PackVisions of ManaVisions of Mana Digital Deluxe EditionWaltz of the WizardWarhammer 40,000: BattlesectorWarhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate DaemonhuntersWarhammer 40,000: DarktideWarhammer 40,000: Darktide Imperial EditionWarhammer 40,000: Darktide Imperial Edition ContentWarhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate EditionWarhammer: Chaosbane Slayer EditionWarhammer: Vermintide 2Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Careers & Cosmetics BundleWarhammer: Vermintide 2 Ultimate EditionWelcome to ParadiZe Zombot EditionWild Hearts Karakuri Edition BundleWinter Games 2023Wolfenstein: The Two-PackWorms Battlegrounds + Worms W.M.DWRC 2023 (PS5)WRC 7 FIA World Rally ChampionshipWRC 9 FIA World Rally Championship PS4WRC 9 FIA World Rally Championship PS5WRC Generations The FIA WRC Official GameWW2 Rebuilder PS5Yakuza: Like a Dragon Legendary Hero Edition PS4 & PS5Yakuza: Like a Dragon PS4 & PS5Ys IX: Monstrom Nox (PS5)Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA (PS5)Ys X: Nordics Digital Deluxe EditionYs X: Nordics Digital Ultimate EditionZone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner Mars*PlayStation Stores mega March promotion runs from March 12 at 00:00 AM PDT / GMT / JST until March 26 at 11:59PM PDT / GMT / JST.
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