Every year, Marvel tends to have a couple of event miniseries that shake things up for every comics character, or just certain characters within their own corner of the universe. While the heroes are currently dealing with Doctor Dooms takeover of Earth, some stuffs about to go down up in the stars, tooandHouse of X and Ultimate Spider-Man writer Jonathan Hickman is at the helm of this endeavor. In June, Hickman teams with Federico Vizenti and Iban Coello on Imperial, which centers on the assassination of several galactic leaders, setting off a chain reaction of coups, wars, and changing empires across the universe. Key players of this sweeping cosmic epic include Black Panther, several Hulks (including Skaar!), the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Nova, with groundbreaking developments (and spiffy new designs) promised for all of them and the cosmic side of the Marvel universe. And in true Hickman fashion, itll also pave the way for an entire new landscape of Marvel comics set in space, which have sort of fell by the wayside in favor of more earthbound stories. Iban Coello/Marvel Comics Federico Vizentini/Marvel Comics Marco Checchetto/Marvel Comics Talking to Marvel, Hickman said hes treatingImperialas the cosmic equivalent to what he did withUltimate Invasion,just more as an actual story rather than a world building exercise. As a self-professed fan of Marvels galactic cast, hes very excited to establish a new status quo for future creatives to play around with. The art team is killing it, and were all just very excited for whats happening in this special corner of the Marvel Universe. Imperialsfour-part saga begins on June 4. Want more io9 news? Check out when to expect the latest Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek releases, whats next for the DC Universe on film and TV, and everything you need to know about the future of Doctor Who.