The Seven Deadly Sins of Spring Cleaning
It's spring again: The time of renewal, rebirth, and cleaning your damn house. I mean really cleaningnot just picking up a little, but moving the couch, wiping the blades of the ceiling fan, and getting behind the fridge. Spring cleaning. If youre putting effort into it, you can make both the returning Messiah and the Easter Bunny proud, but you'll need to avoid these common spring cleaning mistakes.Doing all the heavy lifting yourselfIm putting this one first because moving the furniture is what separates spring cleaning from regular cleaning. That said, a spotless home is not worth screwing up your back. Like anything else, theres technique to moving furniture: keep heavy objects close to your body, dont bend at the waist, lift with your legs. Remember to breathe. Improper technique leads to injury. For a deeper dive on injury-free furniture moving, check out our guidebut the best advice, is if you think its too heavy, get some help.Mixing cleaning productsPersonally, I cant understand people who prefer to clean with vinegar, lemon juice, or other wimpy options. Its not really clean to me unless dangerous chemicals are involved. But dangerous chemicals demand respect: cleaners like ammonia, bleach, and oven cleaners are probably going to be caustic, poisonous, fume-releasing, and otherwise capable of killing you, your pets, or your loved ones if used (or mixed) incorrectly. So read the warning labels carefully, actually follow their guidelines, and have the number of poison control on hand. Trying to do it all at once (or without a plan)Honor your moment of sudden motivation, but instead of an Im cleaning everythingright now vibe, use your energy to plan first. Break your spring clean into smaller, manageable tasks, or youll end the day with all the furniture moved and everything in disarray. Spring cleaning is a project, and like any project, it will come out better if you make a realistic plan. For the specifics, start with taking the advice of professional housekeepers.Cleaning before declutteringWhen Im cleaning, theres little worse than spending all day scrubbing, only to have my place still look cluttered. Too much crap around makes me feel like my whole life is disorganized, so I use deep cleaning days as getting rid of things days, too. If I havent used it since the last time I cleaned, I seriously consider a trip to the local thrift store. Lifehacker's decluttering queen Lindsey Ellefson has many more tips to get you started.Forgetting the mattress (and garbage cans)Even if it isnt stained and smelly, your mattress is probably disgusting. You spend eight hours a night there sweating, drooling, and shedding dead skin cells. You probably let your dog up there, too. Its a hassle, but there are a lot of ways to clean a mattress.Dont forget the inside of your garbage cans either. And the inside of your refrigerator. And your remote controls. I could go on all dayyou're probably forgetting a lot of places you should be cleaning.Not having the right cleaning suppliesYou dont need a ton of gear to deep clean, but you cant clean your house with a single old rag either. A basic surface cleaning kit should include all-purpose cleaning liquid, window cleaning liquid, cloth (microfiber, if possible), a scrub-brush, and a hand duster. You also need a mop and bucket, a broom, more garbage bags than usual, and a vacuum with attachments. Optional are things like ivory polish, guitar wax, and other specialized-to-you cleaning supplies.Want a clear rundown of what you need to take on this annual task and keep your home clean all year long? Here's a guide. Relying on a moment of inspirationI always mean to clean my house. I have the best intentions, but then theres something to watch on TV or I decide to get some empanadas, and before I realize it, the day is over. But if Ive invited people over, Im going to clean, because I dont want other people to see how I live. Perhaps you can relate.If youre having motivation problems, nothing solves them like fear of other people judging you. So throw a springtime party. If your house really sparkles, all your friends will silently feel shame for their own slovenliness, and thats a win-win.
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