Best Master League teams to use in Pokmon Go
The Master League in Pokmon Gos Go Battle League features the best of the best, thanks to its lack of CP cap meaning titans of the Pokdex lock heads in heated battles, and only the very best trainers stand to reach the top of the rankings.Whether youre looking to introduce your Pokmon to battling for the first time, or simply want some tips for the current Master League meta, were breaking down the top threats in the Master League and which Pokmon to add to your team with this full guide.Update (March 18): Updated our best team suggestions for the Might and Mastery season.What is the Master League meta right now?For seasoned Pokmon Go players, the dizzy heights of the Master League are a great place to show off the biggest and best Pocket Monsters in their collection. This bracket is dominated by Legendary Pokmon, or other beasts with similarly whopping stats.However, this huge power ceiling means that unlike the Great League or Ultra League, the Master League is much harder to disrupt. Most new Pokmon added barely tickle the bottom of the Master League rankings, but once in a while, something comes along that truly changes the hierarchy of power.Thanks to last seasons additions, players absolutely have to be on the lookout for Black Kyurem and White Kyurem in the Might and Mastery season. The Go Tour Unova event finally added these long teased titans, and unsurprisingly, most teams in Master League now either include one of them, or plan to beat both of them.That doesnt mean that Master League is immune to smaller changes, however, as the adjustments to moves still find ways to help or hinder the dozens of viable entries in this upper echelon of PvP.Niantic have decreased the energy cost for Psyshock, while maintaining its existing damage, making this a viable move for mainstays like Meloetta, and perhaps even Mew. Meanwhile, while Dazzling Gleam has had a drop in damage output, it also has had its energy cost decreased, allowing users to apply pressure and spam Charged Moves quicker.Overall, Master League hasnt shifted too much since last season, but the inclusion of the Kyurem Fusions has shifted the balance somewhat, as players figure out viable counters to these Unovan units.Now, all eyes are on the eventual inclusion of Urshifu to see if it is as much of a menace as it is in the Pokmon Scarlet & Violet VGC. Plus, we know Go Fest 2025 is adding the Crowned Sword and Crowned Shield versions of Zacian and Zamazenta, respectively. These already deadly dogs are about to have their day.But until then, these are the best picks for Pokmon Go Master League teams.Master League best team suggestionsAssuming sourcing Legendaries is no problem, we have two best teams for the Master League meta:Black Kyurem, Tapu Lele, and Landorus (Therian)Palkia (Origin), Solgaleo, and Ho-OhLets go through them separately.Black Kyurem, Tapu Lele, and Landorus (Therian)Can you feel a chill in the air? It just might be the awesome power of Black Kyurem, one of the two new fusions currently set to rock the Master League this season. As dual dragon- and ice-type, sadly it does have more weaknesses than resistances, but its expanded movepool helps to balance things out.First of all, the frankly ridiculous Attack stat of Black Kyurem alongside the Fast Move Shadow Claw mean that this cold creature is now the number one threat for Dusk Mane Necrozma. Thanks to this, Dusk Mane Necrozma has fallen considerably from grace, now outranked in competitive viability by the (relatively) humble Solgaleo.On top of this, Black Kyurem now has access to the signature ice-type move Freeze Shock, which even doubles as a brand new Adventure Effect that freezes Pokmon in their tracks, making them easier to catch. The whopping power of STAB Freeze Shock is a huge problem for Zygarde and Yvetal. Then, rounding out the package with the electric-type move Fusion Bolt helps to take down the occasional Ho-Oh.Next up, Tapu Lele is one of many Pokmon grateful for the improvements to the move Psyshock, as it can now apply more pressure. Being psychic- and fairy-type gives it great offensive range, with the ghost-type move Astonish being your go to Fast Move to nudge that range even further.Fairy-type is always a great offensive choice, and the signature move Natures Madness as well as the STAB bonus make Tapu Lele a big problem for Master League mainstays like Palkia, Dialga, and Zygarde. Which means this is also a fantastic team mate for Black Kyurem.Finally, round out this package is Landorus (Therian), which helps pick off some of the other possible opponents like Rhyperior, Xerneas, and Dusk Mane Necrozma.Here you want to run the Fast Move Mud Shot, which you can spam for quick charge. Then, back this up with STAB-boosted Sandsear Storm, and round out the package with the rock-type move Stone Edge which is a death sentence for Ho-Oh.This teams best moves, IVs, and alternative suggestionsPokmonTypeFast MoveCharged MovesIVsKyrurem (Black)Dragon/IceShadow ClawFreeze Shock/Fusion Bolt15/15/15Tapu LelePsychic/FairyAstonishPsyshock/Natures Madness15/15/15Landorus (Therian)Ground/FlyingMud ShotSandsear Storm/Stone Edge15/15/15Kyurem (Black) alternatives: Palkia (Origin), Kyurem, and BaxcaliburTapu Lele alternatives: Meloetta (Aria), Solgaleo, and Gardevoir (Shadow)Landorus (Therian) alternatives: Rhyperior, Groudon, and Swampert (Shadow)Palkia (Origin), Solgaleo, and Ho-OhWhile a lot of things have shifted in Master League, Palkia (Origin) is still possibly the best Pokmon in the game. It balances a truly fearsome Attack stat with admirable Defence and some pretty good defensive typing.The Fast Move Dragon Breath quickly puts pressure on huge threats like Zygarde (Complete Form) which is one of Palkias main competitors. Then, back this up with the STAB-boosted power of Aqua Tail to mop up opponents like Ho-Oh and Rhyperior.While having the Charged Move Spacial Rend doesnt offer the best type coverage, it is still likely the best option for that final slot because it hits like a sledgehammer. Overall, Palkia (Origin) is still the champ of hitting hard, and hitting fast, so either get one or learn how to beat one.Next up is Solgaleo, who is a reaction to a reaction. With the Kyurem fusions joining the Origin forms of Dialga and Palkia at the top of the Pokmon pops, fairy-type counters have become invaluable. Thankfully, Solgaleo is a fairy-type Pokmons worst nightmare.Being dual psychic- and steel-type gives Solgaleo a huge ten different resistances, which means it is fantastic for your second pick as it can potentially switch in and wall most Pokmon. Plus with well-rounded defensive stats, Solgaleo has a very good chance of staying in the game.The Fast Move Fire Spin means trouble for Dialga (Origin), and then the Charged Move Psychic Fands is just a great use of STAB and offensive power. Finally, Iron Head is your fairy-bashing bonus, allowing Solgaleo to quickly dispatch of massive threats like Zacian, Enamorus, and Xerneas.Rounding out this package is the stalwart threat Ho-Oh, whom you can run in either its regular or Shadow form depending on your preference. Naturally, pick Shadow to focus on offense, or keep the normal form to keep some of those stats in Defence.Similar to Solgaleo, Ho-Oh has a bunch of resistances, and great bulk to back it all up. Use Fast Move Incinerate to quickly deal damage to Pokmon like Tapu Bulu, and similarly the Charged Move Sacred Fire is a fantastic signature move that is Ho-Ohs greatest tool.Filling up the move slots is Brave Bird, another smart use of STAB and helps to reach some other threats like Marshadow, Zamazenta, and Annihilape. With Pokmon Go hosting a Shadow Ho-Oh Raid Day in early 2025, with any luck you have a powerful one already waiting in the wings.This teams best moves, IVs, and alternative suggestions:PokmonTypeFast MoveCharged MovesIVsHo-OhFire/FlyingIncinerateBrave Bird/Sacred Fire15/15/15SolgaleoPsychic/SteelFire SpinPsychic Fangs/Iron Head15/15/15Palkia (Origin Forme)Water/DragonDragon BreathAqua Tail/Spacial Rend15/15/15Palkia (Origin) alternatives: Palkia (Shadow), Gyarados (Shadow), and GoodraSolgaleo alternatives: Heatran, Metagross, and Dialga (Origin)Ho-Oh alternatives: Skeledirge, Talonflame, Moltres (Shadow)Non-Legendary best Master League teamNot everyone wants to spend money on Pokmon Go raids. Or, you just may have missed some of the most important raids or Special research tasks over the years. So, if you want to jump into competitive but dont quite have the elusive Legendary you need, heres a team of Pokmon where most players can catch em all:Florges, Rhyperior, Shadow GyaradosThe humble Flabebe may not look like much, but its evolution Florges has been making huge waves in the competitive scene thanks to STAB Fairy-type moves and access to lots of Grass moves as well. Charged move Moonblast, meanwhile, is a huge problem for Pokmon like Zygarde, Yvetal, and Palkia.You might be surprised at Florges bulk as well, which make it a great alternative to Xerneas if you dont have access to the Legendary stag. It does not match up well against Dusk mane Necrozma, or Ho-Oh, but its still likely the best Fairy-type Attacker in the game.What can be said about Rhyperior, the little rhino that could. It has consistently made a space for itself in the top of the competitive scene, youll just need a lot of XL Candy to get it to the CP cap needed. High attack, great type-coverage, and the powerful move Rock Wrecker make this a real threat. Though, if you dont already have it, Rock Wrecker will require an Elite TM.The reason Rhyperior is seen so much in Go Battle League is partly because its easy to build, but also because Ground-type is one of the best offensive types. Meanwhile, the STAB power of Rock Wrecker can wipe out an Yvetal before its had a chance. Of course, it has a huge weakness to Water-type moves, which is why you generally always need either a Water-type Pokmon or at least a Grass-type. Rhyperior is always waiting in the wings.Yes, Gyarados is here mostly because of Rhyperior. However, Shadow Gyarados has access to Dragon Breath, Aqua Tail, and Crunch. Dragon Breath is great for threats like Dialga. Crunch can hit Psychic-type Pokmon like Dusk Mane Necrozma, and of course Aqua Tail uses that powerful STAB damage to wipe out Rhyperior, Zygarde, and Landorus.The reason for Shadow over the regular here is because of the additional Attack power, which will really push moves like Aqua Tail over the edge. If you dont have a Shadow Magikarp or Gyarados, you can run the regular Gyarados or some other picks for your third slot could easily be Primarina, Feraligatr, or even Swampert.This teams best moves, IVs, and alternative suggestions:PokmonTypeFast MoveCharged MovesIVsFlorgesFairyFairy WindDisarming Voice/Moonblast15/15/15RhyperiorGround/RockMudslapBreaking Swipe/Rock Wrecker15/15/15GyaradosWater/FlyingDragon BreathAqua Tail/Crunch15/15/15In summary Master League can be really fun if you have the Pokmon, but to make competitively viable, you will have to invest a lot of Candy XL, or Rare Candy XL. Almost every Pokmon ideally needs to be at their CP limit, so on top of using Candy XL, its beneficial to be as high a Trainer Level as possible and to make your biggest threat (say Zygarde) a Best Buddy and your current Buddy for the CP boost.On top of that, while other leagues are more forgiving with IVs, such as Great League where its better to have 0 Attack but high Defence and HP, Master League demands the best. You are almost always aiming for a Perfect IV Pokmon (you can use the search string 4* in Pokmon Go to find your perfect IV Pokmon), or if not, then as near as possible
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