Image: Nintendo LifeXenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition on Switch has been rated 12+ by PEGI (Pan European Game Information), just like every other entry in the series.What folks have seemingly noticed, however, is that the new release comes with an added 'sex' warning as part of the overall rating; something that wasn't present on the original Wii U version. Observe the below post from @starfallblossom on social media; they post a comparison of both physical editions with a caption that reads "WHAT DID THEY ADD??:Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube799kWatch on YouTube Yeah, we're certain that's not an overreaction...Well, according to the official PEGI description, some of the dialogue contains sexual innuendos. Yeah, that's it. One example provided is the line "I'm going in for a quickie". Now, we can't be 100% certain whether or not the same line was present in the original without digging out our old Wii U out and blowing off the dust, but there you go.So, yeah... Don't expect anything especially spicy that's going to make you blush. It's pretty tame stuff, all told. But let's just take a look at the full description for both games. First, here's the original Wii U version:"There are several cut scenes featuring realistic violence towards fantasy characters. One example features a long spiked sword being plunged through an aliens chest, while brown fluid pours out and the creature twitches in pain. Non-realistic violence against human characters is also frequent in both gameplay and cut scenes. During gameplay, human characters will stagger, fall down and remain on the ground upon defeat, but the realism of this reaction is lessened by a ghostly smoke effect which rises up from their bodies. In one cut scene, a character is seen to have lost their arm in an explosion but rather than blood or gore, electrical parts and blue fluid are exposed. The game contains some mild swearing such as b*****ds, bulls*** and p***ks, and some offensive language like damn you."And now the description for the Switch's Definitive Edition:"This game contains depictions of non-realistic violence towards human characters. Throughout the game the player and their party will be struck and hurt by enemies. Human characters grunt in pain and can be knocked back or down to the ground with no visible blood or injury. This game also features depictions of realistic violence to fantasy characters. One cut-scene in the game depicts a character impaling an alien creature, accompanied by blood effects. This game contains the use of bad language including 'b*****d', 'p**s' and 'a****le'. Players can choose text and voice lines for characters to use in combat. Some of the female options have sexual innuendos, such as: 'I'm going in for a quickie'"So there you have it! Hopefully, if you spotted this change or have maybe come across posts similar to the one above, then this should clear things up nicely. Robot JoxDo it, NintendoAre you playing Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition at the moment? What are your thoughts on it so far? Let us know with a comment.[source pegi.info, via x.com]Related GamesSee AlsoShare:570 Nintendo Lifes resident horror fanatic, when hes not knee-deep in Resident Evil and Silent Hill lore, Ollie likes to dive into a good horror book while nursing a lovely cup of tea. He also enjoys long walks and listens to everything from TOOL to Chuck Berry. Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment...Related ArticlesPokmon Scarlet & Violet: Mystery Gift Codes ListAll the current Pokmon Scarlet and Violet Mystery Gift codesNintendo Museum Launches Keychains That Play Your Favourite Console JinglePortable nostalgiaSakurai Says Japanese Developers Should Avoid Trying To Appeal To Western Tastes"I think that they seek the uniqueness and fun of Japanese games"