Want to know what a room box looks like in a time-lapse? Then check out this cozy bathroom diorama created by Alisa Blenderlis in Blender.The room gets assembled smoothly, piece by tiny piece, in a very pleasant motion and turns into a beautiful, magical place you might love to visit one day.If you enjoy Blenderliss style, take a look at her earlier works: a painterly bedroom, a small bakery, and other projects, which you can find on her Instagram and Reddit.We also have more stunning dioramas from various artists to enjoy on our website.Quackles3DJoin our 80 Level Talent platformand ournew Discord server, follow us onInstagram,Twitter,LinkedIn,Telegram,TikTok, andThreads,where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.Source link The post Cute Animated Diorama of Bathroom Made in Blender appeared first on CG SHARES.