Godot 4.5 Dev1 Released / News / March 22, 2025 / GodotIts been absolutely ages since the last Godot game engine release, all the way back to earlier this month when Godot 4.4 came out! So that means its time to start Waiting for Godot again, specifically Godot 4.5. The good news is, they just released Godot 4.5 Dev1 and we are going to take a look at the major new features in this release.Overview of the release:Our first development snapshot for 4.5 has arrived! As is often the case following a feature-freeze, several quality PRs were finally released from the collective backlog, as merging them at the time wouldve been too much of a risk. In truth, the quantity has beensogreat that we couldve gotten away with releasing a snapshot a week ago! However, we found it worth our time to hold out and get as many contributions integrated as possible, as a way of thanking those whove been so patient in waiting for their contributions to see the light of day.A significant chunk of the changes in this release are bugfixes, the majority of which you will be see backported to 4.4 in a 4.4.1-stable release next week! As such, we encourage testing this build in order to ensure a smooth release for both versions. Granted, as thisisa pre-release, the bugfixes arent the only additions; the usual safety precautions that come with such an environment should be taken. Even though we prepare these snapshots such that theyre suitable for general testing, backups and/or version control are recommended to prevent the loss of data.Key Features of the Godot 4.5 Dev1 Release we cover in the video below:Mute game and multiple selection in the game windowNew collision system for TileMapLayersDrag and drop of resource UIDsKey LinksGodot 4.5 Dev1 Release NotesGodot Homepage