Useful Customer Journey Maps (+ Figma & Miro Templates)
User journey maps are a remarkably effective way to visualize the users experience for the entire team. Instead of pointing to documents scattered across remote fringes of Sharepoint, we bring key insights together in one single place.Lets explore a couple of helpful customer journey templates to get started and how companies use them in practice.This article is part of our ongoing series on UX. You might want to take a look at Smart Interface Design Patterns and the upcoming live UX training as well. Use code BIRDIE to save 15% off.AirBnB Customer Journey BlueprintAirBnB Customer Journey Blueprint (also check Google Drive example) is a wonderful practical example of how to visualize the entire customer experience for two personas, across eight touch points, with user policies, UI screens and all interactions with the customer service all on one single page.Now, unlike AirBnB, your product might not need a mapping against user policies. However, it might need other lanes that would be more relevant for your team. For example, include relevant findings and recommendations from UX research. List key actions needed for the next stage. Include relevant UX metrics and unsuccessful touchpoints.Whatever works for you, works for you just make sure to avoid assumptions and refer to facts and insights from research.Spotify Customer Journey MapSpotify Customer Journey Blueprint (high resolution) breaks down customer experiences by distinct user profiles, and for each includes mobile and desktop views, pain points, thoughts, and actions. Also, notice branches for customers who skip authentication or admin tasks.Getting Started With Journey MapsTo get started with user journey maps, we first choose a lens: Are we reflecting the current state or projecting a future state? Then, we choose a customer who experiences the journey and we capture the situation/goals that they are focusing on.Next, we list high-level actions users are going through. We start by defining the first and last stages and fill in between. Dont get too granular: list key actions needed for the next stage. Add the users thoughts, feelings, sentiments, and emotional curves.Eventually, add users key touchpoints with people, services, tools. Map user journey across mobile and desktop screens. Transfer insights from other research (e.g., customer support). Fill in stage after stage until the entire map is complete.Then, identify pain points and highlight them with red dots. Add relevant jobs-to-be-done, metrics, channels if needed. Attach links to quotes, photos, videos, prototypes, Figma files. Finally, explore ideas and opportunities to address pain points.Free Customer Journey Maps Templates (Miro, Figma)You dont have to reinvent the wheel from scratch. Below, you will find a few useful starter kits to get up and running fast. However, please make sure to customize these templates for your needs, as every product will require its own specific details, dependencies, and decisions.User Journey Map Template (Figma), by Estefana Montaa B.Customer Journey Mapping (PDF), by Taras BakusevychEnd-To-End User Experience Map (Figma), by Justin TanCustomer Journey Map Template (Figma), by Ed BidenCustomer Journey Map Template (Miro), by Matt AndersonCustomer Journey Map (Miro), by Hustle BadgerCustomer Experience Map Template (Miro), by EssenseThe Customer Journey Map (Miro), by RSPRINTWrapping UpKeep in mind that customer journeys are often non-linear, with unpredictable entry points and integrations way beyond the final stage of a customer journey map. Its in those moments when things leave a perfect path that a products UX is actually stress-tested.So consider mapping unsuccessful touchpoints as well failures, error messages, conflicts, incompatibilities, warnings, connectivity issues, eventual lock-outs and frequent log-outs, authentication issues, outages, and urgent support inquiries.Also, make sure to question assumptions and biases early. Once they live in your UX map, they grow roots and it might not take long until they are seen as the foundation of everything, which can be remarkably difficult to challenge or question later. Good luck, everyone!Meet Smart Interface Design PatternsIf you are interested in UX and design patterns, take a look at Smart Interface Design Patterns, our 10h-video course with 100s of practical examples from real-life projects with a live UX training later this year. Everything from mega-dropdowns to complex enterprise tables with 5 new segments added every year. Jump to a free preview. Use code BIRDIE to save 15% off.Meet Smart Interface Design Patterns, our video course on interface design & UX.Jump to the video course100 design patterns & real-life examples.10h-video course + live UX training. Free preview.
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