Kenny Phases returns with a fun Blender project about forming a logo with rigid body simulation. By attracting hundreds of particles toward an invisible logo object, the negative space reveals the logo in a clever way. This is a great technique to add to your motion graphics tool belt.For more physics instruction from Kenny, check out his CORE Physics course at CG or as a standalone purchase on the Blender Market: "WHO IS CG COOKIE?"We are real people! (OK, maybe some of us are cyborgs - we don't ask.) CG Cookie is a small crew of Blender artists, baking fresh videos for the Blender community. If you love what we do, consider enrolling to to stream 100's of Blender courses with passionate Blender instructors there to answer your questions. "WHERE SHOULD I START LEARNING BLENDER?"For Blender beginners, we have a free tutorial series "Getting Started with Blender" "I WANT MORE CG COOKIE IN MY LIFE!"Got it. Here's where you can reach us! Want Blender news in your mailbox? Sign up here for spam-free newsletter #CGCookie #blendertutorial #b3d