There is a new Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, specifically Unity developers, the Award Winning Assets Bundle The Crown Collection. This bundle is a collection of up to 27 Unity Assets from Infinity PBR and Nature Manufacture that are redeemed on the Unity Asset Store. It is organized into the following tiers:1$ TierBatsCobra SnakeIce WorldWinter Ground PackLandscape Ground PackLandscape Ground Pack 2Mid TierWorld Streamer 2Park Photo Scanned AssetsR.A.M 2019 River Auto Material 2019L.V.E 2019 Lava & Volcano Environment 2019Advanced Foliage Pack 2.0Advanced Rock PackFire & Smoke Dynamic NatureGround Terrain MaterialsDesert Terrain MaterialsGolems Cave Monster30$ TierL.V.E 2023 Lava & Volcano Environment 2023Mountain Environment Dynamic NatureMountain Trees Dynamic NaturePBR Graveyard and Nature Set 2.0River Valley LevelWeapons & Armor Pack #2Armor Pack 2Metal Ghost KnightMedusaDemonsNorthstar Navigation & Tracking SystemUsing links on this page pays GFS a commission (and thanks so much if you do!). If you have trouble opening the bundle link please paste it into a new browser tab and it should work just fine. You can learn more about the Award Winning Asset Bundle for Unity and see some of the assets in action in the video below.