Larian reveals Baldurs Gate 3 is officially more popular than ever before
You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games hereAs one of the biggest RPGs of all time, Baldurs Gate 3 managed to break player records on Steam on launch. However, it turns out that Larian Studios RPG is even more popular in 2024 than it was during its release year.With the arrival of mods and further optimisation of console ports, BG3 is officially more popular than ever before, and there are even stats to prove it.Baldurs Gate 3 popularity has only increasedRevealed by Larian director of publishing Michael Douse, BG3 is more popular than ever. Across 2024, continued sales of the RPG have only led to increased player counts across multiple platforms.Douse revealed that average daily peak concurrents are up 3% this year over last year, attributing increased concurrent player counts to mod support. Alongside this, average daily active users are up 20% over last year.Following the release of multiple optimisation passes with patches, Baldurs Gate 3 has also massively increased its player counts on Steam Deck. While playable on launch, the RPG did suffer from poor FSR support and rough performance in areas on Steam Deck. While some areas still chug (all of Act 3), the game is now far more playable.This has led to a massive explosion in Steam Deck users over the past year with Douse revealing the average daily Steam Deck users are up 61%.As a fun aside, Douse also revealed that the game has officially sold its third copy in Vatican City. With two copies sold in the Holy City already breaking minds, theres now an even higher chance that The Pope has boned Halsin in bear form.For more BG3 content, check out the awesome cut content mod that adds early access areas back into the game or another mod that brings a real-time pandemic into the role-playing game.Subscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share
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