Genshin Impacts Battle Pass (Gnostic Hymn), explained
Upon hitting Adventurer Rank 20, youll unlock Genshin Impacts Battle Pass. The Battle Pass uses a separate leveling system that requires you to complete simple daily and weekly quests.Our Genshin Impact Battle Pass guide explains how the Gnostic Hymn Battle Pass works and whether its worth buying.How the Genshin Impact battle pass worksEach quest you complete will reward a set amount of Battle Pass EXP, and it takes 1,000 BP EXP to go up one level. The quests will require you to do things like fight a Trounce Domain bosses three times or log in and do your daily four Commissions. Most active players will level up their Battle Pass just by playing normally, but you can only earn 10,000 BP EXP a week. The pass maxes out at 50 levels.Battle Passes typically stick around for about six weeks before they refresh with the launch of a patch.Sojourners Battle Pass (free) versus Gnostic Hymn Battle Pass (paid)There are two versions of the Battle Pass. The Sojourners Battle Pass is free and it gives rewards like Mora, Adventurers Experience, Mystic Enchantment Ores, or Sanctifying Unction (materials to give artifacts EXP), depending on which material you pick. Every 10 levels of the Sojourners Battle Pass, youll be rewarded with an Acquaint Fate.The Gnostic Hymn Battle Pass costs $9.99 and gives more Mora, Heros Wit, Mystic Enchantment Ores, or Sanctifying Essence, in addition to the items from the Sojourners Battle Pass. It also gives you a Sanctifying Elixir so you can make custom artifacts, as well as materials for upgrading talents (skills). Theres also a bounty box at level 30 that allows you to pick a four-star weapon from an exclusive set. Every 10 levels of the Gnostic Hymn Battle Pass, youll be rewarded with Intertwined Fates.For $19.99, you can buy the Gnostic Chorus. This is the same as the Gnostic Hymn Battle Pass, but instead of starting at level 1 of the Battle Pass, youll start on level 10. (If you buy it after youve leveled up your Sojourners Battle Pass, youll just add 10 levels to your existing level.) It also includes a special name-card style, furniture-blueprint, and five Fragile Resin (for recovering stamina). Gnostic Chorus is discounted if you already own Gnostic Hymn.Notably, every 10 levels, the Battle Pass gives Fates to use on gacha wishes. The free Battle Pass rewards Acquaint Fates and Gnostic Hymn rewards Intertwined Fates.Upgrading your Battle Pass to the Gnostic Hymn is only worth it if you complete it. We recommend not purchasing the upgrade until you hit rank 50, as youll get all the rewards retroactively anyway.Genshin Impact Battle Pass weaponsThe paid Battle Pass rewards a box called the BP Bounty, which allows you to pick one of the 10 following weapons:The Black Sword (sword)Serpent Spine (claymore)Solar Pearl (catalyst)The Viridescent Hunt (bow)Deathmatch (polearm)Wolf-Fang (sword)Talking Stick (claymore)Sacrificial Jade (catalyst)Scion of the Blazing Sun (bow)Ballad of the Fjords (polearm)Its hard to rank the weapons, but Serpent Spine and Wolf-Fang are commonly seen as the best and The Viridescent Hunt and Talking Stick are regarded as the worst of these weapons but you should just grab whatever you need from the BP Bounty that suits your characters needs.We recommend looking up individual build guides for your favorite characters on Keqing Mains and seeing what they recommend. For example, if youre a Kinich main, you may want to opt to build the Earth Shaker, a Natlan craftable weapon, over picking (or dishing out the $10 for) the Serpents Spine. However, if youre maining Arataki Itto and you dont have his dedicated five-star weapon, the Serpents Spine is his second best choice, making it a worthwhile pick.If youre looking for more to do in Genshin Impact, we have tons of guides to get you started. Our early Genshin Impact guides will provide beginners tips, list out the free characters you can get, and how their elemental reactions work.We have expansive guides on pesky Sumeru side content, like Udumbara Pistil locations and where the Aranyaka Mysterious Clipboard buried chests are. We have content for Natlan, too, explaining how to unlock the various Natlan world quests and how to make the Natlan craftable weapons.