Fields of Mistria museum collectables list
Fields of Mistria has a museum to fill up with collectables and youll be rewarded with furniture and money for doing so. The museum is broken up into four wings: archaeology, fish, flora, and insects. All of these collectables can be tracked in your in-game almanac and you can check the tooltip on each individual item to see if you have donated them to the museum already or not. Helpful!Below we list what you need to complete the museum in Fields of Mistria, though note its not able to be 100% completed as of the current early access release.Update (Nov. 20): Weve updated this guide with the new museum sections added in the first major update (patch 0.12).Fields of Mistria museum Archaeology WingThe Archaeology Wing focuses on digging up the circular dig spots you see in the ground with your shovel or a pickaxe. There are dig spots both in the mines and on the surface and different areas yield different rewards. Some of the Archaeology Wing items are also obtained via fishing and diving, though youll need to unlock a specific skill in the fishing and archeology skill tree to get these items.Below we list the different parts of the Archaeology Wing, as well as where you have to dig or what you have to unlock to find these items. Note that two sets are incomplete; the Metals of Mistria and Gems of Mistria sets cannot be completed, as two of the required items from each category are unavailable in the current early access.SetLocationItem 1Item 2Item 3Item 4Item 5Dig Site Material SetAnywhereClayPeatShard MassShardsSodPrehistoric Artifact SetThe BeachAmber Trapped InsectFossilized EggMeteoriteTiny Dinosaur SkeletonTrilobite FossilAncient Artifact SetThe Western RuinsAncient Crystal GobletAncient Gold CoinAncient Horn CircletAncient Royal ScepterAncient Stone LanternAlda Artifact SetSweetwater FarmAlda Bronze SwordAlda Clay PotAlda Feather PendantAlda Gem BraceletAlda Mural TabletCaldosian Artifact SetThe Eastern RoadCaldosian BreastplateCaldosian Drinking HornCaldosian Emperor BustCaldosian SwordStatuette of CaldarusAldarian Artifact SetThe NarrowsAldarian GauntletAldarian SwordAldarian War BannerFamily Crest PendantLost Crown of AldariaOopart Artifact SetAnywhere, requires Well Placed skillBlack TabletCompletely Wrong MapMuttering CubeUnknown Dragon StatuetteWeightless StoneAquatic Artifact SetFishing, requires Aquatic Antiquities skillCoin LumpGiant Fish ScaleRubber FishRusted Treasure ChestWater SphereSunken Artifact SetDiving, requires Sunken Secrets skillCriminal ConfessionMermaids CombRainbow SeaweedRock with a HoleRusted ShieldBuried Artifact SetMinesDiamond-backed MirrorFlint ArrowheadObsidian BladeShortcut ScrollStone HorseUpper Mines Artifact SetUpper Mines (Mines 1-19)Miners HelmetMiners PickaxeMiners RucksackMiners SlabTin LunchboxTide Cavern Artifact SetTide Caverns (Mines 21-39)Crab StatueDense WaterStarlight CoralStone ShellTidestoneDeep Earth Artifact SetDeep Earth (Mines 41-59)Earth-infused StoneFaceted Rock GemReally Round RockRock StatueSeriously Square StoneRitual Artifact SetRitual Chambers in the mines, requires Lost to History skillRitual BeadsRitual ChaliceRitual Incense BurnerRitual ScepterRitual TabletVintage Farm Tools SetThe farm, requires Former Farmers skillVintage BrushVintage Cow BellVintage HammerVintage SickleVintage Watering CanMetals of Mistria SetMinesPerfect Copper OreN/APerfect Iron OreN/APerfect Silver OreGems of Mistria SetMinesN/APerfect EmeraldN/APerfect RubyPerfect SapphireFields of Mistria museum Fish WingThe fish section of the museum is pretty straight forward, as each set is sorted by both its location and season. Note that to catch Legendary fish, youll need to have level 30 fishing with the Legendary skill.SetFish 1Fish 2Fish 3Fish 4Fish 5Multi-SeasonKoiPikePollockSmallmouth BassTroutSpring River Fish SetBluegillCarpChubPaddlefishWalleyeSpring Pond Fish SetAngel FishBarbBrown TroutCrucian CarpGoldfishSpring Ocean Fish SetAnchovyLobsterMackerelOcean SunfishShrimpSummer River Fish SetBreamLoachMinnowSweetfishTarponSummer Pond Fish SetBrown BullheadGiant KoiGolden ShinerLake ChubSaugerSummer Ocean Fish SetCharCrabDartGrouperStingrayFall River Fish SetGralingLampreyPerchRazorbackShadFall Pond Fish SetBluefishKillifishRainbow TroutStriped BassWhite PerchFall Ocean Fish SetButterfishHalibutMulletSaurySharkWinter River Fish SetBowfishDaceFreshwater EelHerringShadow BassWinter Pond Fish SetAlligator GarBurbotFlathead CatfishGiant TilapiaTilapiaWinter Ocean Fish SetHorse MackerelKing CrabOarfishSand LanceSea BassUpper Mines Fish SetCave EelCave SharkCave ShrimpRock GuppyStone LoachTide Caverns Fish SetArcherfishMini-Whale SharkSapphire BettaTransparent JellyfishWater Balloon FishDeep Earth Fish SetEarth EelEmerald Horned ChargerPebble MinnowRockbiterShardfinLegendary Fish SetCherry FishLeaf FishLightning FishSnow FishFields of Mistria museum Flora WingMost of the flora section of the museum needs to be grown on your farm or foraged. Each season requires you to grow four crops and one tree (though some of the seasonal fruit trees grow natively spread out around Mistria).Notably, the red toadstool item drops from the red mushroom enemies in the Upper Mines. Its not a foragable good that just sits there to be found.If the season ended and you missed an item, keep an eye out on Balors merchant cart, as he sells off-season items, though his stock is random.SetItem 1Item 2Item 3Item 4Item 5Spring Crop SetCabbageCherryPotatoStrawberryTurnipSpring Flower SetDaffodilDandelionLilacSnowdrop AnemoneTulipSpring Forage SetFennelFiddleheadMorel MushroomNettleWild LeekSummer Crop SetChili PepperCornCucumberTomatoWatermelonSummer Flower SetCatmintCosmosDaisyIrisMarigoldSummer Forage SetBasilDillOreganoSageThymeFall Crop SetAppleBroccoliCranberryPumpkinSweet PotatoFall Flower SetCelosiaChrysanthemumFog OrchidHeatherViolaFall Forage SetChestnutGarlicHorseradishMoon FruitRosemaryWinter Crop SetBeetCauliflowerDaikon RadishPomegranateSnow PeasWinter Flower SetCrocusFrost LilyJasminePoinsettiaSnapdragonWinter Forage SetBurdock RootHollyOyster MushroomPineshroomRose HipUpper Mines Forage SetNarrows MossRed ToadstoolShadow FlowerSweetrootUpper Mines MushroomTide Caverns Forage SetJade DulseMines MusselsSea GrapesTide LettuceUnderseaweedDeep Earth Forage SetCrystal BerriesCrystal RoseEarthshroomRockrootShale GrassFields of Mistria museum Insects WingWhile bugs do have seasonal and time requirements, theres no skill level associated with them, so you dont have to worry about unlocking something specific to find all the bugs. You will need to make sure youre looking in the right places at the right time, though.SetBug 1Bug 2Bug 3Bug 4Bug 5Multi-Season Insect SetAntBumbleebeeFuzzy MothHummingbird Hawk MothPraying MantisSpring Insect SetButterflyCaterpillarLadybugLuna MothRoly PolySummer Insect SetCicadaCricketDragonflyFireflySand BugFall Insect SetCicada NymphInchwormMonarch ButterflyTiger Swallowtail ButterflyWalking LeafWinter Insect SetBrightbulb MothCrystal CaterpillarFrost Flutter ButterflyWalking StickWinterpillarRare Insect SetJewel BeetleLightning DragonflyMagma BeetleMistmothOrchid MantisGrass Insect SetGrasshopperIcehopperLeafhopperPetalhopperStrawhopperBeach Insect SetBeach HopperHermit CrabRelic CrabSurf BeetleWaterbugLegendary Insect SetFairy BeeFlower Crown BeetleSnowball BeetleSpeedy SnailStrobe FireflyUpper Mines Insect SetCopper Nugget BeetleLantern MothMine CricketTunnel MillipedeWormTide Caverns Insect SetCoral MantisHermit SnailPuddle SpiderSea ScarabWaterflyDeep Earth Insect SetCrystal Wing MothCrystalline CricketDeep EarthwormGem Shard CaterpillarRock Roach
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