Dual-screen dilemma.This week saw the Nintendo DS turn 20. Naturally, such an anniversary has got us thinking about the unstoppable passage of time delightful dual-screen once again, and more than a few of us have dusted off our old clamshells for a quick blast through some of our favourites.But, being the needy gamers that we are, ever desperate to pay 50 for a quick hit of nostalgia, the week's replays have reminded us just how many classic titles are still trapped on the handheld of days gone by. The original Professor Layton trilogy, Rhythm Heaven, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, a boatload of Mario & Luigi RPGs, the list of DS-locked titles goes on. Heck, even Nintendogs is stuck on the DS, and that was one popular puppy!Read the full article on nintendolife.com