The Newton Centre Womens Club began in 1887 when a group of women in the village came together to work for the relief of disabled veterans from the Civil War. Their objectives included giving aid to charitable causes, mutual improvement through literary, along with artistic and educational pursuits. Expanding membership over the next two decades strengthened the club, enabling them to build their clubhouse in 1922on land given to them. The Georgian Revival style clubhouse wasdesignedby architectOscar A. Thayerand the building featured a large art gallery for artists to showcase their work as well as members to bring in art of their own collections to study and discuss. Due to shifting social structures and an aging population of members, the clubhouse was sold in 1973 and converted to commercial use. The building was renovated with more modern windows and other features and was renamedPicadilly II. In the spirit of the club and its push for community, the building houses many local companies frequented by residents today.