Zacian, the Legendary wolf from the Galar region, debuted in Pokmon Go in August 2021.Like fellow Sword and Shield legendary Zamazenta, Zacian notably has two different forms. Its plain Hero of Many Battles version is only fairy-type, whereas it gains a steel-typing with its Crowned Sword form. The Crowned Sword version of Zacian is not available in Pokmon Go yet, so this guide will only provide information on its Hero of Many Battles form until it gets added to the game.This Pokmon Go guide explains Zacians weakness and the best counters as it returns as part of the Max Out Finale event, which runs from Nov. 27 to Dec. 1, 2024.Zacian weaknessIn its Hero of Many Battles form, Zacian is a pure Fairy-type Pokmon, which means its weak against poison and steel-type moves. Focus on these when building a team.On the flip side, Zacian is resistant to bug, dark, dragon, and fighting-type moves. It takes reduced damage from these types, so youll want to avoid using them in battle.Zacian best countersHere are some of the best counters you can use against Zacian in Pokmon Go:Dusk Forme Necrozma with Metal Claw and Sunsteel StrikeDialga with Metal Claw and Iron HeadNihilego with Poison Jab and Sludge BombGenesect with Metal Claw and Magnet BombMetagross with Bullet Punch and Meteor MashExcadrill with Metal Claw and Iron HeadRoserade with Poison Jab and Sludge BombLucario with Bullet Punch and Flash CannonIf you have enough Mega Energy, you can also use Mega Gengar with Lick or Shadow Ball paired with Sludge Bomb. Mega Beedrill with Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb will also do quite a bit of damage, as will Mega Aggron with Iron Tail and Heavy Slam.Ideally for the most damage, youll also want the weather to be snowy or cloudy, since this will give you weather boost for steel-type moves and fairy-type moves respectively.Zacian best movesetFor raids and gyms, Zacians best moveset is Snarl and Play Rough. Although this legendary Pokmon sadly lacks a fairy-type fast move, it can still be a very effective fairy-type attacker. Thanks to Snarl, it can generate energy fast enough to unleash the powerful Play Rough fairly frequently.Zacian also holds a place in the Master League meta, where it can take out a range of strong opponents including Zekrom, Dragonite, and even Complete Forme Zygarde. Youll want to run Snarl with Close Combat and Play Rough to provide wide coverage. It will also need to be powered up as high as possible with XL Candy.Is Zacian shiny in Pokmon Go?Shiny Zacian is available to encounter in Pokmon Go. This rare variant made its long-awaited debut during the Legendary Heroes event in September 2024.Just like all shiny Pokmon, the chances of finding a shiny Zacian are very slim. Theres no way to boost your odds its simply a case of taking part in as many raids as you can and hoping for the best. Good luck!