Godot Release Godot 4.4 Dev 6 / Uncategorized / December 10, 2024 There is a new development release of the open-source Godot game engine, Godot 4.4 Dev 6. We took an early look at Godot 4.4 dev1 and dev2, then more recently followed up with a look at the Godot 4.4 dev3, dev4 and dev5 releases. As timing always goes, shortly after that coverage Godot 4.4 dev6 was released. I wouldnt normally cover a single dev release, however this one has a feature I have longed for basically since I started using the Godot game engine, a much-improved camera preview.This is a feature that has been missing for a very long time, in fact I made a post about Godot The Missing Piece where I described an excellent add-on that fixed this flaw, the Godot Little Camera Addon. Thankfully with the upcoming release of Godot 4.4, we will no longer need add-ons to correct this missing functionality.Details from the Godot 4.4 dev 6 blog:Camera3D preview in inspectorPreviously, adjusting the view of aCamera3Din a scene could be a chore to handle. It required activating the camera you wanted to preview, and then reverting it back if it wasnt the main camera. You could pin a preview of a camera in a dedicated viewport, but that meant reducing the real-estate of your main viewport.Now, withHaoyu Qius feature (GH-90778), every selected 3D camera shows a preview inside the inspector. No switching cameras needed to preview anymore.Of course this isnt the only new feature in Godot 4.4 dev6, but it is by far and away my favorite. You can learn more about the new camera preview functionality, as well as the other new features added in Dev6 in the video below.