The Leartes Studios Unreal and Unity Assets Giga Humble Bundle has returned to Humble Bundle but only for 2 days! This bundle ran back in April of 2024 and only 2 things have changed. First there are no longer different tiers, simply one $30 USD tier and second, some of the assets now work in the Godot game engine directly.Bundle contents:Stable EnvironmentStylized Cavern Mahal EnvironmentWater VFX (Unreal Engine)SFX WarzoneObject Distribution ToolUnreal Engine 5 Level Tutorial 150% Off Cosmos Discount CouponWestern Town EnvironmentBowling AlleyEnglish Cottage InteriorWetland Sanctuary EnvironmentOfficer Corridor EnvironmentFrench Quarter Street EnvironmentMotorbike Shop EnvironmentStylized Desert TownVFX Explosions (Unreal)SFX Retro Police StationFPS 4K Custom Modern Handguns Vol 1FPS 4K Custom Modern ShotgunsPost Apocalyptic Melee Weapons Vol 4Drivable/Animated Excavator/DozerPolice Character NPC1950s Businessman/Mafia CharacterMaterial Assignment ToolCyberpunk Street LightsClassic TramDrivable/Animated Retro Cyberpunk Hover Car 2Modelling Tutorial (Maya/Zbrush/Substance)Military Base MegapackSteampunk Victorian MegapackIndustrial HarbourDark Medieval MegapackUltimate Level Art ToolCyberpunk Laboratory EnvironmentRomain Temple Ruins EnvironmentHavana Street EnvironmentOld Workers Village EnvironmentBaroque Cathedral EnvironmentFighting Stage EnvironmentAbandoned Chemistry ClassroomCyberPunk Sci-Fi Apartment InteriorStylized Christmas TownStylized Island Castle EnvironmentStylized Countryside HouseStylized Cyberpunk Arcade EnvironmentStylized Wizard Room EnvironmentWarzone VFX Pack (Unreal)Post Apo Diner SFXSoulslike SFXDrivable Animated Construction Truck 01Drivable Animated Construction Truck 02Drivable Animated ExcavatorCity ScooterMilitary HelicopterCyberpunk Holograms Neon SetMilitary Exterior Pack PropsCyberpunk Assault RiflesSUV 01 DrivableClassic Limousine DrivablePlayground Equipment Vol 1Playground Equipment Vol 2If you wish to convert the assets from one game engine to another, consider the following guides.The majority of assets in the Leartes Studios Unreal and Unity Assets Giga Humble Bundle are redeemed on their Cosmos Store, although some are hosted on Gumroad and Unreal Engine assets can generate a key for the Unreal/Fab marketplace. You can learn more about the bundle and see one environment in action in Unity, Unreal and Godot in the video below. Using links on this page helps support GFS (and thanks so much if you do!).