Built environment failing women on workplace culture
New research finds Built Environment industry is 'failing women' on workplace culture Source:&nbsp ShutterstockTraditional management and reward processes in the built environment are failing women, according to damning new research by the Circle Partnership The organisation, which works to improve gender equality in the built environment, collaborated with consultant Cellence Plus and engineer Laing ORourke to explore key traits and derailers contributing to the problem of mid-level female talent retention in the industry.Their study took a random research sample of 37 mid-level women from across all sectors of the built environment.The Circle Partnership said the research revealed unexpectedly marked similarities in how this diverse group behave in the workplace.AdvertisementThe research also backs up many cliches about female versus male strengths and traits, it added.It said: This group emerge as naturally empathetic and good with people, willing and able to prioritise others needs and skilled in creating cohesive teams and a positive work environment.Key findings:Women are discouraged by overtly competitive or ambitious behaviour, preferring to earn recognition through consistency, reliability, and quiet competence.They are more cautious and risk-averse when it comes to career and finance, which could be a key contributor to the ongoing gender pay gap.Women are extremely strong in relationship building, emotional intelligence, empathy, influencing and team building. These relational skills are becoming critical as technology and new working practices become more diffuse.Women are more driven to contribute to team success and prioritise collaboration over personal advancement.They tend to avoid the discomfort that can accompany truly high performance, move away from people and businesses when under pressure, and have a tendency to bottle up frustrations.Based on these findings, the researchers concluded that traditional approaches to talent management and recognition are failing women in the built environment, feeding the trend of poor talent retention and exacerbating the skills crisis.The Circle Partnership has warned that without more nuanced support, the mid-level female retention challenge affecting the built environment will persist with inevitable consequences on the diversity of the long-term senior leadership pipeline.AdvertisementOn the other hand, explained the organisation, if seen as a predictor of future capability, these findings should help to better inform organisations female talent development interventions as well as broader gender diversity initiatives.The Circle Partnership said the critical challenge was to ensure focus was placed on the right talent development interventions those that will deliver genuine impact and returns on the investment made.Among its recommendations, it suggested: specific training to enable informed and capable line management for women; women-only development programmes with a focus on building resilience, confidence and wellbeing; one-to-one coaching and mentoring; and holistic performance management that takes into account the differences in male and female behavioural traits.Circle Partnership director Ceri Moyers described workplace culture and behaviour as the critical piece of the puzzle. She said this had been ignored in the effort to improve diversity in the built environment, with efforts to date focused instead on policies and procedures.Moyers explained: The insight gained from this study suggests that the industry still doesnt seem to fully understand how to make the most of womens talents and potential.And it also raises bigger questions about our macro workplace culture; is it time to begin truly re-examining the environment that favours traditionally masculine traits of extroversion, competition and leading from the front rather than expecting others to adapt to fit?Laing ORourk head of resourcing and DEI (diversity equity and inclusion) Lucy Kendall added: The behaviours that this study revealed complement traditional definitions of masculine and feminine traits highlighted in gender-based research. But what is startling is the consistency of the findings, particularly when considering the size, age, experience and role spread of the women assessed.For any organisation looking to retain its female talent, these findings demand attention when it comes to talent management strategies.2024-12-12Anna Highfieldcomment and share
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