As part of their ongoing holiday rerun of the best bundles of 2024, today Humble Bundle have brought back the Blender Markets Essential Game Modding Toolkit for two days only. This bundle is a collection of assets from the Blender Market, including popular plugins like Retopoflow 3, as well as tutorials, environments and more. A very important thing to realize is these are frozen in time versions of the assets and they will not receive updates! Unlike the original bundle, this one only has a single tier with all of the assets in it.Bundle Contents $30 TierUvpackmaster 3TreadBlender to UnityBlender to UnrealMassive 240-Piece Modular Mega PackBlender to Godot 4 Pipeline AddonFaceitAction CommanderTrash Kit50 Sword Base Mesh Vol 5Ultimate Game Asset Course with BlenderFull Environment Creation in UE5 & BlenderScattershotREVModeling a Robot Game Character with BlenderRetopoflowBetter Fbx Importer & ExporterBakemasterOutpostStylized Castle Ruins Asset PackFantasy Cemetery 2Empire of the SandsGame and Render Ready Rock PackAK-47 Game ReadyBlender & Unreal Massive Stylized Sci-Fi Crate PackStylized Low Poly Food Pack 01Cairo City Cyberpunk StreetsSci-Fi Modular Panel Kit Vol 2Sci-Fi Modular Asset PackFamilyGame Rig ToolsUltimate Basemesh CollectionAuto BakeQuick BakerHero Asset Creation TutorialAnimation BootcampRIGAnimating First Person Character Weapons in BlenderRigging a Transforming Rifle in Blender 2.8UV FlowBlender Game Development TutorialScifi Station Vol 2You can learn more about the Blender Markets Essential Game Modding Toolkit in the video below. Using links on this page helps support GFS (and thanks so much if you do). If you have an issue with the link not opening and are running uBlock, try pasting the link into a new tab and it should work just fine.