HaxeFlixel 5.9.0 Released / News / December 13, 2024 / HaxeFlixel is as the name suggests an implementation of the Flixel game framework using the Haxe programming language. Flixel is an incredibly easy to use game library for creating 2D games from back in the Flash/ActionScript days. It is an incredibly easy to use framework and due to the nature of Haxe, it is easily ported (or technically compiled) to a variety of different platforms. I like HaxeFlixel to the point that I actually did a pretty in-depth tutorial series on getting started with it.We discuss HaxeFlixel today because HaxeFlixel 5.9.0 was just released with the following changes:FlxInputText: Add improved input text to core flixel (flixel-uis implementation will be deprecated) (#3219)FlxReplay: AddgetDuration(#3135)InputFrontEnd: (#3134)AddaddInputandaddUniqueTypeto replaceaddadddestroyOldarg to thereplacemethodAllow more than one instance of a certainIFlxInputManagertypeSoundFrontEnd: AddonVolumeChangesignal (#3148)FlxBasePath: (#3153)Create base class forFlxPathfor simpler custom path following logicAdd signalsonEndReached,onFinishedandonNodeReachedReplacement fields:startAt,direction,loopType,target,currentIndex,nextIndex,currentandnextFlxGraphic: AddtrackingInfoto help debugging graphics (#3183)FlxFlicker: Addpauseandresume(#3179)FlxRect: AddclipToand fixintersectionbug (#3190)FlxPointer: AddgetGamePosition,gameX/Y,getViewPosition, andviewX/Y, to replace screen fields (#3210)FlxAnimationController: AddonLoop,onFrameChangeandonFinish, to replacecallbackandfinishCallback(#3205) (#3216)FlxStrip: Add support for blendmodes (#3213)FlxTextBorderStyle: Add SHADOW_XY, prevent border clipping (#3236)LogStyle: AddonLogsignal to replacecallbackFunction(#3239)(#3307)FlxBar: Add custom border sizes (#3234)Gamepads: AddacceptModeand mapped inputs (#3276) (#3280)AddACCEPTandCANCELinput IDs that conditionally map to eitherAorBdepending onFlxG.gamepads.acceptModeAddgamepad.getMappedInputto get an anum value of every possible gamepad input from various devices, i.e.PS4(PS4ID.X)FlxG.assets: A way to overwrite and customize the way HaxeFlixel fetches or produces assets from ids (#2982)FlxG.cameras: Addinsertmethod (#3290)FlxSave: Allow custom handling of parsing errors (#3286)FlxDirectionFlags: Addup,down,leftandrightfields (#3303)FlxG.assets: AddgetSoundAddExt(#3311)FlxG.assets: Add-DFLX_DEFAULT_SOUND_EXTto automatically append file extension to sound asset ids (#3314)Key LinksHaxeFlixel HomepageHaxeFlixel GitHubHaxeFlixel 5.9.0 Release NotesHaxe Programming LanguageYou can learn more about FlaxPixel and the 5.9.0 release in the video below.