Ciri How It GoesWhile Geralt's still hanging around, The Witcher 4 being about Ciri was "the natural choice" and CD Projekt says it'll lead to "more uncertainty and more surprises"It's also an idea the studio's had in mind for a good decade or so.Image credit: CD Projekt News by Mark Warren Senior Staff Writer Published on Dec. 13, 2024 We all got our first proper look at The Witcher 4 during The Game Awards last night, via a cool new trailer that showed Ciri - the game's protagonist - doing some witchering.Ever since it was originally announced via that image of a medallion in the snow, Geralt's stepdaughter of destiny taking over the reins of the series from him is something that'd long been among the theories tabled by fans. And now we know it's the case, CD Projekt has explained a bit of the reasoning behind it opting to go in this direction for the game.To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Speaking to PC Gamer, TW4's game director Sebastian Kalemba and executive producer Gosia Mitręga revealed that it's of a course of action the studio had first put on the table about a decade ago, around the time it was finishing up working on and releasing The Witcher 3 - which Ciri obviously plays a huge role in and is even playable during a few missions."I remember discussions after releasing Wild Hunt, that it is a natural path for her to prove herselfthat was a very natural choice for us," Kalemba said, adding: "There's so much room for exploration, and because she's such a nuanced character, the beginning of her journey gives us freedom and so many opportunities to be able to dig in and use [that] for good."Mitręga also emphasised some of the differences between Geralt and Ciri that could help the devs tell some different stories, such as her youth and passion compared to the While Wolf's veteran monster-hunting experience and worldly nous that comes with having dealt with so many people and scenarios."Because she cares so much," the producer said, "it gives us an amazing opportunity for us as creators, and for the players, to experience more uncertainty and more surprises because of that character, right?"That said, don't worry about old Gerry from the Riviera being allowed to live out his days sipping wine far away from whatever action you're getting up to in The Witcher 4 - CD Projekt has now officially confirmed that he'll be showing up in it. Kalemba didn't provide any details as to what exactly the White Wolf'll be doing in the game, but he did insist that Geralt is important to both the devs and Ciri. Awwww, insert that image of Gerry giving a cheeky thumbs up we've used for articles before here.If you want to celebrate now knowing more about the next Witcher game, why not do what I did not long ago and goof around in The Witcher 3 with a mod that allows Geralt to turn into a centaur by blowing a big horn. I can very much confirm he'll play a major role in that witchering adventure.