Tower Defense Simulator Frost Invasion Update Rolls Out New Battle Pass and Sandbox Mode
Tower Defense Simulator is sending in a wave of winter presents for Roblox players with its gargantuan 1.46.0 patch a.k.a. the Frost Invasion update, including the new Outpost 32 map, two new event towers, a new battle pass, and so much more.Developer Paradoxum Games has spent the last week teasing a massive update, and patch notes for todays update suggest Frost Invasion may have been worth the hype. There are plenty of rewards for both free and premium players in the events chilly battle pass, with some highlights for the latter including a Double Chunk Chocolate Cookie emote, the Dark Frost Electroshocker, and a Frost Legion Mercenary Base. Tower Defense Simulator update 1.46.0 also comes with the long-awaited Sandbox Mode for those looking to experiment as well as an Enemy Index, which can be used to keep track of and learn more about your foes.Tower Defense Simulator Frost Invasion event unleashes chilly new features for Roblox players.Frost Invasion itself injects some story background into the world of Tower Defense Simulator. A description from Paradoxum explains that the event takes place in the research facility known as Outpost 32 and involves the genius Professor V.However, during a routine test on the portal, a catastrophic malfunction occurredtearing a rift to the Frost Dimension, the description says. Now, waves of Frost Invaders are pouring through, threatening to obliterate the facility and its vital research.To help fight back against the Frost Spirit and his army, Tower Defense Simulator players have been granted access to two new event towers: the Elementalist Tower and the Snowballer Tower. The former can be unlocked by beating Frost Invasion on hard mode, while beating easy mode is all thats required to unlock the latter.PlayIGN's Twenty Questions - Guess the game!IGN's Twenty Questions - Guess the game!To start:...try asking a question that can be answered with a "Yes" or "No".000/250Paradoxum has given players the gift of more content this holiday season, and its a gift that should keep everyone preoccupied for the near future. Whether youre looking to save the world from the Frost Spirit as a newcomer or veteran tower defender, you can click here to see our full list of all active Tower Defense Simulator codes. Finally, you can see the patch notes for the Frost Invasion update below.Tower Defense Simulator Frost Invasion Update Patch NotesFROST INVASION IS LIVE!In the wake of the Hexscape incident, our brightest mind, Professor V, has been leading classified research into the enigmatic science of cross-world travel. Outpost 32, our most advanced facility, has been repurposed for these critical experiments.However, during a routine test on the portal, a catastrophic malfunction occurredtearing a rift to the Frost Dimension. Now, waves of Frost Invaders are pouring through, threatening to obliterate the facility and its vital research.The Frost Spirit and his army are invading! Protect Outpost 32 and its critical researchfailure is not an option. Frost Spirit Boss Outpost 32 MapNEW EVENT TOWERS!Elementalist Tower (Hard Mode)Snowballer Tower (Easy Mode)FROST INVASION BATTLE PASSPrepare for a frosty adventure with the Frost Invasion Battle Pass! Two tracks are available: Free and Premium (500 Robux). Unlock limited-time skins, emotes, name tags, and exclusive items as you progress!Free Rewards Include: Chilly Sticker Frost Legion Sniper Dark Frost Soldier Frost Legion Freezer Cozy Camp Farm Snowman Emote Dark Frost Trapper Nut Cracker Minigunner Santa Commander Frost Commander Charm Rudolph BrawlerPremium Rewards Include: Jolly Tree Emote Goofy Sledger Sticker Snowballer Charm Double Chunk Chocolate Cookie Emote Dark Frost Crook Boss Elementalist Charm Dark Frost Warden Elf Present Sticker Dark Frost Mortar Frost Spirit Charm Caroling Emote Frost Spirit Sticker Dark Frost Electroshocker Cultist Ramiel Charm Dark Frost Engineer Krampus Sticker Snowball Emote Frost Legion Mercenary BaseHOLIDAY CONSUMABLE CRATESpread the holiday cheer with the Holiday Consumable Crate! Unbox 5 random holiday-themed items for just 32 Robux, or earn crates by participating in the Frost Invasion event. Festive Tree Fruit Cake Santa's Air Strike Present Cluster Bomb MOLTEN MONSTERSANDBOX MODESandbox Mode is finally here! Available to players Level 250+, this mode lets you experiment with unlocked enemies, maps, towers, and items however you like. Push the boundaries of creativity and strategy!Want even more control? Grab the Admin Commands Gamepass to take Sandbox Mode to the next level with exclusive features!Features:Sandbox Mode: Full freedom to test and experiment.Quick Place QoL Update: Improved speed and efficiency for your builds.ADMIN COMMANDS GAMEPASSUnlock the ultimate power and take Sandbox Mode to its limits! Enjoy 20% off for the Holidays, knocking the price down from 8,000 Robux to 6,400 Robux!! Instant access to Sandbox Mode (no level requirement). Assign up to 3 admins to join your party. Mega servers: Play with up to 5 or 6 players. Spawn any enemies, including legacy enemies. Legacy gamemodes: Relive iconic T.D.S. challenges. Full game rule control: Edit and customize everything. Unlimited towers: Build without restrictions. Spam consumables for maximum chaos. And much more!ENEMY INDEXThe Enemy Index has arrived in T.D.S.! Track your conquests and complete your Log Book by defeating enemies. Each enemy has a random chance to drop their entry log upon death, unlocking their story and secrets.Discover Lore: More enemy lore entries will be added in 2026 for deeper insights into their origins.Sandbox Mode: Unlocking an entry allows you to spawn that enemy in Sandbox Mode for testing and strategizing.Frost Mortar finally gets added to the frost crateGame Changes:Small ChangesFixed various rare situational issues wich replicationFreeze tick damage properly scaled with timeGrenadier properly plays audio and muzzle flash on fireElementalistUnlocked by completing Frost Invasion on Hard modeComes with the ability to toggle frost or fire mode changing what active ability or debuff is available.Tower Limit of 5Level 0 Cost: 2000Level 1 Cost: 1500Level 2 Cost: 4000Level 3 Cost: 8000Level 4 Cost: 15000Level 0 Damage: 3Level 1 Damage: 5Level 2 Damage: 10Level 3 Damage: 12Level 4 Damage: 15Level 0 Range: 12Level 1 Range: 15Level 2 Range: 17Level 3 Range: 17Level 4 Range: 17Level 0 Cooldown: 0.6Level 1 Cooldown: 0.6Level 2 Cooldown: 0.6Level 3 Cooldown: 0.5Level 4 Cooldown: 0.4Level 0 Burst Size: 3Level 1 Burst Size: 4Level 2 Burst Size: 4Level 3 Burst Size: 5Level 4 Burst Size: 7Level 0 Burst Cooldown: 0.2Level 1 Burst Cooldown: 0.2Level 2 Burst Cooldown: 0.2Level 3 Burst Cooldown: 0.2Level 4 Burst Cooldown: 0.125Level 0 Frost Mode Debuff Duration: 2 SecondsLevel 1 Frost Mode Debuff Duration: 2 SecondsLevel 2 Frost Mode Debuff Duration: 2 SecondsLevel 3 Frost Mode Debuff Duration: 2 SecondsLevel 4 Frost Mode Debuff Duration: 2 SecondsLevel 0 Frost Mode Slow Percent on Hit: 5%Level 1 Frost Mode Slow Percent on Hit: 7.5%Level 2 Frost Mode Slow Percent on Hit: 7.5%Level 3 Frost Mode Slow Percent on Hit: 10%Level 4 Frost Mode Slow Percent on Hit: 12.5%Level 0 Frost Mode Max Slow Percentage: 45%Level 1 Frost Mode Max Slow Percentage: 45%Level 2 Frost Mode Max Slow Percentage: 50%Level 3 Frost Mode Max Slow Percentage: 50%Level 4 Frost Mode Max Slow Percentage: 60%Level 0 Fire Mode Debuff Duration: 2 SecondsLevel 1 Fire Mode Debuff Duration: 3 SecondsLevel 2 Fire Mode Debuff Duration: 4 SecondsLevel 3 Fire Mode Debuff Duration: 2 SecondsLevel 4 Fire Mode Debuff Duration: 4 SecondsLevel 0 Fire Mode Burn Damage: 5Level 1 Fire Mode Burn Damage: 8Level 2 Fire Mode Burn Damage: 8Level 3 Fire Mode Burn Damage: 10Level 4 Fire Mode Burn Damage: 10Level 0 Fire Mode Burn Tick Rate: 0.5 SecondsLevel 1 Fire Mode Burn Tick Rate: 0.5 SecondsLevel 2 Fire Mode Burn Tick Rate: 0.5 SecondsLevel 3 Fire Mode Burn Tick Rate: 0.25 SecondsLevel 4 Fire Mode Burn Tick Rate: 0.25 SecondsLevel 2 Unlocks Ice Turret or Heatwave active ability depending on what mode Elementalist is in.Level 2 Ice Turret Damage: 10Level 3 Ice Turret Damage: 20Level 4 Ice Turret Damage: 30Level 2 Ice Turret Cooldown: 0.45Level 3 Ice Turret Cooldown: 0.35Level 4 Ice Turret Cooldown: 0.3Ice Turret Lifespan: 40 SecondsIce Turret Can Freeze on Max SlowIce Turret Range: 10Level 2 Ice Turret Slow Percent on Hit: 25%Level 3 Ice Turret Slow Percent on Hit: 25%6Level 4 Ice Turret Slow Percent on Hit: 30%Level 2 Ice Turret Max Slow Percentage: 50%Level 3 Ice Turret Max Slow Percentage: 50%Level 4 Ice Turret Max Slow Percentage: 60%Level 2 Heatwave Damage: 150Level 3 Heatwave Damage: 250Level 4 Heatwave Damage: 400Level 2 Heatwave Range: 125Level 3 Heatwave Range: 13.5Level 4 Heatwave Range: 15Level 2 Heatwave Knockback: 20Level 3 Heatwave Knockback: 22.5Level 4 Heatwave Knockback: 25Level 2 Heatwave Burn Damage: 10Level 3 Heatwave Burn Damage: 15Level 4 Heatwave Burn Damage: 20Level 2 Heatwave Burn Duration: 5Level 3 Heatwave Burn Duration: 5Level 4 Heatwave Burn Duration: 5Heatwave Burn Tick Rate: 0.5 SecondsSnowballerUnlocked by completing Frost Invasion on Easy modeLevel 0 Cost: 300Level 1 Cost: 150Level 2 Cost: 650Level 3 Cost: 2500Level 0 Damage: 4Level 1 Damage: 4Level 2 Damage: 8Level 3 Damage: 15Level 0 Range: 12Level 1 Range: 12Level 2 Range: 14Level 3 Range: 18Level 0 Cooldown: 3Level 1 Cooldown: 2.5Level 2 Cooldown: 2.5Level 3 Cooldown: 2Level 0 Slow Percentage on Hit: 15%Level 1 Slow Percentage on Hit: 20%Level 2 Slow Percentage on Hit: 30%Level 3 Slow Percentage on Hit: 30%Level 0 Max Slow: 30%Level 1 Max Slow: 40%Level 2 Max Slow: 60%Level 3 Max Slow: 60%Level 3 Can FreezeLevel 3 Freeze Time: 2 SecondsLevel 3 Explosion Radius: 4Michael Cripe is a freelance contributor with IGN. He started writing in the industry in 2017 and is best known for his work at outlets such as The Pitch, The Escapist, OnlySP, and Gameranx.Be sure to give him a follow on Twitter @MikeCripe.