Star Trek: Lower Decks ends on a new beginning
Spoilers for The New Next Generation.When Starfleet said it had dispatched the Enterprise to help the Cerritos close the rift, I was worried. Lower Decks has spent the last four years stepping out the shadow of its more famous predecessor. Its grand finale didnt need a focus-pulling cameo from any of the Next Generation cast (or even a subtle one from Steven Culp). Mercifully, none came, and we got one last chance to spend half an hour with the Cerritos crew on their last ride. For now, at least.The length of the Previously On sequence was clue enough this was going to be an overstuffed episode. In fact, it felt as if creator Mike McMahan set himself the task of resolving every plotline in one episode. You can imagine some of these would have been addressed in some future episode had the show not been canceled. But even with a slightly longer runtime, the episode moves far too fast for you to really savor it.As usual, the Cerritos is the only vessel close enough to deal with the fallout from last weeks episode. On the way to close the rift, the crew meet Maah and Malor, who are fleeing a fleet of Klingon warships led by Relga, Dorg and Barghs sister. The fleet chases the Cerritos to the rift which is pumping out waves of dimension-hopping uncertainty. That sets up a wonderful scene where the Cerritos is remade in different ship classes as it pushes toward the center of the rift.All of this unfolds while Rutherford fights both with his implant and his general distaste for the Cerritos. Tendi and TLyn are battling for supremacy as the senior science officer on the ship, and Boimlers still using his alternate selfs diary to advance his career. A normal half hour show can accommodate an A and B story; here were down to G or H, at least. Given a lot of the fun of this show is just in spending time with these characters, its a shame their farewells are rattled through as boxes ticked off on a list.There are plenty of wonderful moments, like when Mariner and Boimler go to Freeman and are instantly believed. In-universe, the characters have earned enough trust to be taken at their word and its touching. Its also a sign of how far weve come compared to, say, the days of Shut up Wesley. Or when Rutherford realizes whats wrong and is able to solve the issue by remembering the California Class is Starfleets Swiss Army Knife. Or when Boimler smashes his Padd to protect Mariner, as their friendship is more important than his career.The episode ends with the rift being stabilized, creating a permanent interdimensional wormhole to the multiverse. Starfleet tows Starbase 80 there, with William Boimler tasked with exploring the various dimensions therein. But such a high-profile assignment needs an experienced head, and so Captain Freeman is assigned to take command of Starbase 80. It means Mariner has to say goodbye to her mom, and Freeman goodbye to her dedicated crew of misfits.Ransom takes command of the Cerritos, with Mariner and Boimler acting as joint first officers, at least for now. Rutherford has his implant removed, and its suddenly obvious to everyone how into Tendi he has been all this time. TLyn and Tendi are now happily science besties, sharing the role as the Cerritos heads off to explore new parts of the galaxy. And Ransoms choice of phrase for his warp command is perfectly in keeping with his love of exercise, and no I wont be sharing it here.You can never quite escape Star Trek once its on your CV, and Ive said before this isnt the last time well see the Cerritos crew. Animation doesnt need your actors to stay the same age and we could easily see a revival in a few years or so. McMahan was clear the fifth season was also being used to set up potential spin-off ideas, so theres plenty of scope for more. Which is why Im not going to write an obituary for Lower Decks, it doesnt need one.Still, its mad to think how things have changed since Lower Decks debuted as the goofy wildcard alongside its more august siblings. Discovery and Picard were meant to be reputable shows with Lower Decks little more than the class clown for diehard fans. Both of those turned out to be far less than the sum of their parts, while Lower Decks held the spirit of Star Trek far more effectively than its so-called betters. It was the only one of that trio to emerge with anything close to a coherent legacy, and with genuine affection from fans.Lower Decks knows this, and ends its episode with a celebration of the Cerritos and Star Trek more generally. The show exists as a celebration of the day-to-day work that would never be lionized in those brasher, shoutier, punch-fightier Treks. The USS Cerritos is an island of misfit toys who have gathered together to make themselves and each other that little bit better. Hell, that could be a comment on Star Trek, or its fans more generally, but its great being one of those misfit toys.Cerritos Strong!This article originally appeared on Engadget at
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