There are many reasons why sometimes kids are left to play alone or entertain themselves. Oftentimes the babysitter would be a phone or tablet or any gadget but of course these are mostly passive activities and they cannot totally interact with it. Of course actual contact with human beings would be the most ideal but for those that are not able to always do so, an interactive educational and entertainment tool would be the next best thing.Designer: Onurhan DemirThe TED-I is an AI-powered Teddy Bear concept that is meant to be a friend, menter, and teacher to the child that its baby-sitting if there are no available adults at the moment. It is equipped with different features to help engage with the child and recognize their potential early on. The child is also able to interact back with the bear because of the features so they dont feel that theyre just alone with the device.The bear is equipped with two microphones on its ears so it can detect sounds around it, including when the child talks. One of its eyes has a projector lens that can project images and videos onto surfaces while the other eye has a camera that can detect user and environmental movements. It can also record and stream live video for the parents if theyre not there. On the cheeks, there are two speakers so the child can listen to music and to the videos audio. Theres also an LED screen on its mouth so you can see real-life mouth movements and expressions while the artificial heart on its chest also expresses emotions through the different colors. It has a wireless charging pillow when you need to it to rest and recharge. Its an interesting concept if the child (or adult) is not afraid of android bears that might eventually become their overlord. While its meant to be a childs more interactive babysitter, the parents can also enjoy it with their children like watching movies together and listening to music while talking. The post AI-powered teddy bear concept is an interactive babysitter for kids first appeared on Yanko Design.