How to get predator cores in Palworld
Predator cores are a new crafting material added in Palworld Feybreak.Predator cores are used to create items like pouches and the Meowmere, a sword from Terraria that meows and fires bullets. However, predator cores can be pretty hard to come by as youll need to find rampaging Predator Pals across the map.Heres how to get predator cores and where to find Predator Pals in Palworld.How to get predator cores in PalworldTo get a predator core, you must defeat one of 33 Predator Pals around the map. Predator Pals are similar to field bosses, except they dont appear on your map and they arent catchable.Predator Pals do respawn, but they dont seem to have a 100% spawn rate. This makes it a little difficult to tell what the exact respawn time is, but your best bet is to check every 30 minutes like the other overworld bosses. However, this time can be changed as it does scale with the day and night length of your world.Predator Pal locations in Palworld33 Predator Pals were added to Palworld as part of the Feybreak update. Weve ordered the Predator Pal list below corresponding to the numbers on the map above using information courtesy of Paldb.Keep in mind, Predator Pals do not seem to have a 100% spawn rate, so there is a chance that you arrive at one of the marked locations and there is nothing there. Weve found that fast traveling to one of the nearby waypoints and refreshing the area by returning to the main menu has assisted with the spawn rates.NumberPredator PalTime of dayLevelNumber of predator cores dropped1GoriratDay and Night3012VanwyrmDay and Night2513DirehowlDay and Night2514LovanderNight2615DogenDay and Night2816MossandaDay and Night301-27RelaxaurusDay and Night301-28TarantrissDay and Night301-29OmasculNight311-210StarryonNight341-211RayhoundDay and Night301-212RagnahawkDay and Night321-213MaraithNight381-214DinossomDay and Night311-215Reptyro CrystDay and Night401-216DigtoiseDay and Night452-317Jormuntide IgnisDay and Night482-318GildaneDay and Night482-319DazemuDay and Night472-320PrixterDay and Night452-321Cryolinx TerraDay and Night482-322KitsunNight472-423Faleris AquaDay and Night502-424Loupmoon CrystDay and Night492-425WumpoDay and Night502-426Blazehowl NoctNight502-427ElphidranDay and Night553-428ShroomerDay and Night553-429SplatterinaNight553-430Helzephyr LuxDay and Night60431Bushi NoctNight60432SootseerNight60433Incineram NoctNight604For more Palworld guides, weve got you covered. If youre just starting out, weve got a beginners guide, a list of all Pals, and a type chart. We also have explainers on breeding, eggs, and a rundown of how multiplayer works.On the hunt for resources? Check out our guides on how to get ore, coal, polymer, leather, sulfur, wheat seeds, pure quartz, Ancient Technology Points, and ancient civilization parts. For advanced players, consult our lists of all tower boss locations, the best base locations, and all flying mounts.
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