Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic) is a high-end duty in Final Fantasy 14, added as part of patch 7.15. This 24-man raid is a hard boss fight that will require lots of coordination to clear, but the rewards are worthwhile.Fans of The Crystal Tower raid series, the Cloud of Darkness Eden raid fight, and of Final Fantasy 3 will likely want to get in on it, since theres two mounts you can get from clearing this fight.Below, we explain where to unlock Cloud of Darkness and where to exchange the loot from the raid in FFXIV.Where to unlock Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic)To unlock Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic), youll need to talk to the Wandering Minstrel in Tuliyollal as a level 100 combat class. (This is the same place you unlock Dawntrail extreme trials from.) You will also need to have completed the base Dawntrail main scenario quest.You can find the Wandering Minstrel in the location below:Once you unlock it, you can register for the duty in the high-end duty finder. Youll need an item level of at least 710 to participate. Youll need to make a party via party finder or some other means to take on this fight.Where to trade in Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic) lootFor each clear of Cloud of Darkness, youll get Clouddark Demimateria. You can trade in the demimateria you get to Uahshepya in Solution Nine, at the location below.The loot costs as follows:Dai of Darkness mount: 75 Clouddark Demimateria IIShroud of Darkness mount: 99 Clouddark Demimateria IA Half Times Two hairstyle: 49 Clouddark Demimateria IIClouddark top and leg armor: Three Clouddark Demimateria IClouddark head, gloves, and boots: Two Clouddark Demimateria IThe Dais of Darkness mount and hairstyle can both be sold on the marketboard as well, so if youre hankering for those, you can spend a hefty chunk of gil instead of doing this tough content. The other items (the armor and Shroud of Darkness mount) are market prohibited.