The top Windows PC tips of 2024
The end of the year means its time to reflect on whats really important in life: friends, family and Windows PC tips.That may sound silly, but Ive always believed its true. Useful tech tips and solutions help people get work done and accomplish tasks quickly so they can get back to whats actually important in their lives.Ive shared a lot of PC tips over the last year. Its easy for some of that to get lost in the hustle and bustle. So, as we wrap up 2024, its a good time to look back at the best advice of the year especially useful Windows suggestions that can take your computing to the next level, whether youre being productive on the job or just tweaking your personal PC at home.Find this sort of advice useful? You dont have to wait until the end of 2025 for more! Subscribe to my free Windows Intelligence newsletter to get new Windows tips each and every Friday.Windows PC tips #14: PC productivity upgradesTop 10 Windows productivity tipsThese productivity tips are the best of the best recommended by the incredibly smart and awesome readers of my Windows Intelligence newsletter!8 easy ways to transfer files between Windows and your phoneWe all have phones, and we all need to transfer files back and forth even if its just a few quick photos now and then. Here are lots of easy ways to get that done, with something for practically every type of workflow.20 insanely useful Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts I use every dayKeyboard shortcuts are an essential tool to take your PC productivity up a notch. This list is a great place to get started youll almost certainly learn something new!8 brilliant browser tab tricks for Windows power usersAs PC users, we tend to wrangle with browser tabs all day. These ideas will make you even more efficient in your web browser of choice, whether thats Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Brave, or anything else.Windows PC tips #57: Computer customizations10 ways to turn off Windows worst adsWindows can be full of obnoxious, noisy ads and notification pop-ups. But it doesnt have to be.5 dark mode upgrades for your Windows 10 or 11 PCDark mode has come a long way on Windows in the last few years, but it still has a way to go. If youre a dark mode fan, this advice will make your dark mode experience much better on Windows.5 ways to stop Windows Update from rebooting your PCDoes Windows Update restart your PC when you least expect it? If youd like more control, theres a lot you can do to take much more control of Update so it will work on your schedule.Windows PC tips #811: Features you need to try5 ways to control Windows with your voiceMicrosofts Cortana voice assistant is long gone, but Windows still has a suite of powerful voice-powered features. You can use your voice to type and even to navigate the desktop and apps no third-party software necessary!You should be using your Windows PCs touchscreen: 5 must-know tipsMany modern Windows laptops include touch screens. Heres how to start putting that easily overlooked element to more effective use.How to trim a video on Windows 11 or Windows 10Did you know you can trim a video file on Windows in a few clicks, cutting just the portion you want? Its possible with a quick tool buried in Windows no big Clipchamp video editor necessary.Why you should link your phone to your PCIf you havent set up the Phone Link app yet, you should! And if you have set it up, its worth a deeper look. This useful app included with Windows is packed with features for both Android phones and iPhones although its more powerful with an Android phone.Windows PC tips: #1214: Excellent apps to install10 PowerToys you should use on WindowsIm a big fan of Microsofts free and frequently updated PowerToys package for Windows PCs. Its packed with especially useful utilities you can install in a few clicks. Heres a tour of many of the most useful ones.The ultimate Windows app launcherMicrosofts new Workspaces PowerToy is a particularly useful and customizable app launcher that could transform many workflows. It might just be the best way to launch and arrange your apps after powering on your PC and signing in.The best ways to run Android apps on a Windows PCMicrosoft axed Android app support in Windows 11. But dont let that stop you: If you want to run Android apps on a Windows 11 PC, there are still some great alternatives.As always, I hope you find some especially helpful PC tips and tricks. And Ill see you in 2025 for even more Windows wizardry.Why wait? Uncover even more useful Windows tips and tricks with my free Windows Intelligence newsletter three new things to try every Friday and a free Windows Field Guide as soon as you sign up.