Basara: ReFantazioMetaphor: ReFantazio makers hope it becomes a series, and they may already have some ideas about a sequelMetaphor: ReFantazio was, by many accounts, one of the best games of 2024. But it may or may not kick off its own series at Studio Zero. News by Sherif Saed Contributing Editor Published on Dec. 26, 2024 Regardless of the quality of Metaphor: ReFantazio, the project was started as a way for its developer, Studio Zero, to create a third JRPG franchise of its own, to stand alongside Shin Megami Tensei, and Persona - two series the studio worked on.Now that ReFantazio is out and everyones had time to play it, love it and nominate it as their game of the year, its clear this first game was a success. Whether or not it gets a sequel, however, is another story.To see this content please enable targeting cookies. In this weeks issue of Japanese magazine Famitsu (#1880), theres an interview with Katsura Hashino, the director of Studio Zero, the makers of Metaphor: ReFantazio. In the interview, which was leaked by ryokutya2089 (via Persona Central), Hashino touched on his views and hopes for future sequel.The studio director revealed that he would like the next game to have a different setting, hinting that it could be a historical one, such as Japans Sengoku period.If I decide that the best setting for a future title is the Sengoku period, it might turn into a JRPG with a world like the Basara series (laughs), said Hashino.With that in mind, however, a sequel to ReFantazio isnt actually in the works, and there don't appear to be any concrete plans to produce one, either. Hashino and team would like Metaphor to become a series, though. Shake on it?Considering Metaphor: ReFantazio is Atlus fastest-selling game ever - shifting over 1 million copies at launch - theres a very likely chance its going to get a sequel, perhaps even several. Its also worth noting that ReFantazio broke big on PC, something Atlus Persona series hasnt always been good at it.Catch up on our 5 star Metaphor: ReFantazio review to see why everyone has been raving about this one, just in case you missed all the frenzy last October. And no, the game is more than just grown-up Persona.