The New York Times has plenty of word games on its roster today with Wordle, Connections, Strands, and the Mini Crossword, theres something for everyone but the newspapers standard crossword puzzle still reigns supreme. The daily crossword is full of interesting trivia, helps improve mental flexibility and, of course, gives you some bragging rights if you manage to finish it every day.While the NYT puzzle might feel like an impossible task some days, solving a crossword is a skill and it takes practice dont get discouraged if you cant get every single word in a puzzle.Recommended VideosIf youre having trouble completing todays NYT Crossword, were here to help. Weve got all the answers for todays clues down below.Please enable Javascript to view this contentNew York TimesAcross1 Targets of crunches, informally : ABS4 Smart guy : ALEC8 Vibes : AURAS13 Hawaiian dish with cubed fish : POKEBOWL15 Perceptive : ASTUTE16 End-of-year hope : PAYRAISE17 Lawyers, collectively : THEBAR18 Astronauts outpost, for short : ISS19 Like the last name of swimming legend Diana Nyad : APT21 Original N.Y.C. subway line : IRT22 Vampire hunters weapon : STAKE25 Well, thats just perfect : GREAT27 Telluride maker (thats 6,000+ miles away from Telluride) : KIA28 Faith Hill hit with the lyric Its perpetual bliss : THISKISS29 Slim-fitting bottom : PENCILSKIRT31 Humorist Bombeck : ERMA32 Spoiled : BAD33 Forgo a ring, maybe : KNOCK35 Fills in the gaps of, in a way : PUTTIES37 Futuristic zappers : RAYGUNS39 Samira Wileys role on The Handmaids Tale : MOIRA40 Pops : DAD41 A thing of the passed? : OBIT42 Wetland fuel source : PEATBOG44 Breaking the fourth wall, say : META45 Cartoon frame : CEL47 Snarkily disparaging : SNIDE48 Like a baby in need of burping : GASSY49 Dismiss abruptly : AXE50 Dutch banking giant : ING51 Get to 21 first in cornhole, e.g. : WIN52 Oscar nominee for Carrie : SPACEK55 Peak picker-uppers, as depicted three times in this puzzles grid : SKILIFTS60 Money talks : CASHISKING61 Unapproved, pharmaceutically : OFFLABEL62 Remained home for supper : ATEIN63 CBS drama with five spinoffs : NCIS64 In need of salt, say : ICYRelatedDown1 Home screen selection : APP2 Stole onstage : BOA3 Difficult area of a jigsaw puzzle, maybe : SKY4 Humble : ABASE5 Lane in DC? : LOIS6 Grossed-out cries : EWS7 Given the go-ahead : CLEARED8 Pizza oven residue : ASH9 Beehive State native : UTE10 Toys once marketed as having Over three billion combinations, but only one solution : RUBIKSCUBES11 Chess : check :: go : ___ : ATARI12 Tempur-Pedic competitor : SERTA14 Early 20th-century composer who introduced the typewriter as a percussion instrument : ERIKSATIE15 Negative campaign tactic : ATTACKAD20 Signature item : PEN22 Prefix with any family member : STEP23 Steady engine sound : THRUM24 Focus on making others happy : AIMTOPLEASE25 They might accompany SAT scores : GPAS26 Minute : TINY30 Slangy term for an obsession with branded fashion items : LOGOMANIA32 Coffeehouse poets : BEATNIKS34 Sweaters and such : KNITS36 401(k) alternatives : IRAS37 Short-lived fashion : RAGE38 Court-ordered delay : STAY40 Lewis Carrolls real last name, hence Lewiss last name in Jurassic Park : DODGSON43 Hamper, e.g. : BIN45 Caesars first stabber : CASCA46 One living abroad : EXPAT48 Bass organs : GILLS51 Something thats often free in airports but expensive on airplanes : WIFI53 Life force : CHI54 Kln one : EIN56 Fast-food chain with 30,000+ locations : KFC57 Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity org. : FBI58 Gumshoe : TEC59 Roguish : SLYEditors Recommendations