Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind First Major Update Now Live On Switch
What is it with you hero types? Always the same lineWill you be checking out this new update for Rita's Rewind? How are you finding it so far? Let us know in the comments.Original Story: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind made its debut on the Switch last week and it's gone down relatively well so far with critics and fans alike.In saying this, not everything is available on every platform (like online play), but the developers are working on it and have now rolled out the first major update. The Switch version is expected to receive this update "soon". Here's exactly what you can expect:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind UPDATE: December 2024"We've heard suggestions from lots of players over the last few days, and we're happy to say we're rolling out refinements to Rita's Rewind to adjust various parts of the game based on that feedback. These changes are available on Steam, PlayStation 5, and PlayStation 4 now, but all players on other platforms will receive this update soon."Brawler GameplayAll Rangers now move faster (walk and dash speeds)Ranger grab and grab attack speed increasedRangers can perform the Dodge move without any cooldown, but are only invulnerable for the initial frames of the animationIn Easy mode, the Dodge move is always invulnerableRanger can chain Rising Strike from many more statesRangers can Dodge while holding an enemy to let goRanger Special is boosted slightly by successful DodgeVertical attack collision for Time Disruptors is wider, making them easier to hitTime Disruptors are easier to destroy in Easy modeFood pick-ups are more spread out when spawning from containersIn Hard mode, enemies now have the same health as Normal but do twice the damageThe Speed Run clock is no longer affected by Time DisruptorsPlayers can swap to any other NPC Ranger in the Juice BarLocalized juice bar dialog for the arcade machines is now correctZord & Megazord GameplayAll machine gun fire (bunkers, turrets and flying ships) now does less damageGravity is reduced when jumping to make pits easier to clearFalling in a pit won't take away a lifeSome pits now have additional ledges for landingWhen multiple players are fighting a boss and some players reach a Game Over state, the difficulty (health and Zord damage dealt) scales accordinglyHarvester encounters have been balanced; laser speeds and laser damage are reduced at lower difficultiesMegazord boss health has been reduced and damage dealt to bosses has been balancedHealth power-ups now spawn during Zord boss battlesEye Guy's eye bombs do much less damage, and on lower difficulties, his bombs appear less frequentlyAt higher difficulty levels, health coin benefits scale downwardOnlineIf both online players have unlocked Green Ranger, they have the option of starting their game from any levelPlease note that all online players have the latest update for the game to engage in successful matchmakingGeneralThe indicator for skipping the intro video has been improved.Stability and performance improvements overallPS5: Fixed some crash bugsPS5: Fixed an save-file issue where players couldn't start a new playthrough after completing the game.We are very happy that so many people are enjoying Rita's Rewind, and we will continue to monitor player reports. Thank you so much for keeping your feedback detailed and friendly! We are planning more updates in the coming weeks, including more robust online support and additional gameplay adjustments. Thank you for your patience, communication, and support! We will continue to post updates here. Keep reading for more information!If you haven't already played this game, it's well worth your time if you're a Power Rangers fan. Here's our review: What is it with you hero types? Always the same lineWhen we hear more about the Switch version of this update, we'll let you know.[source digitaleclipse.com]Related GamesSee AlsoShare:02 Liam is a news writer and reviewer for Nintendo Life and Pure Xbox. He's been writing about games for more than 15 years and is a lifelong fan of Mario and Master Chief. Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment...Related Articles161 Games You Should Pick Up In Nintendo's 'Hits For The Holidays' eShop Sale (North America)Every game we scored 9/10 or higherPSA: Switch 2 Is Getting Revealed In The Next 100 DaysSet your AlarmosToby Fox Shares Another Development Update On Deltarune Chapter 3, 4 & 5"Progress has still been steady"54 Games You Should Pick Up In The Nintendo Switch eShop Holiday Sale (Europe)Every game we scored 9/10 or higher
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