Image: SEGASonic X Shadow Generations is arguably one of Sonic's best outings ever and if you enjoyed the soundtrack in Shadow's new campaign as much as we did, you might be interested to know Sega has now officially released the entire album on all "major" digital services.This includes sites (and apps) like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music and the iTunes Store. You'll also be able to listen to Dark Beginning's "Without You" and other hits like Escape from the City. All up there are 52 songs and there's a runtime of more than 2 hours.Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube789kWatch on YouTube Here's the full tracklist:Space Colony Ark: Act1 (TeddyLoid x Jun Senoe Remix) - Jun SenoueSpace Colony Ark: Act2 - Circuit FreqRail Canyon: Act1 - Sonic Adventure Music ExperienceRail Canyon: Act2 - R.B.UKingdom Valley: Act1 - Audissi StudiosKingdom Valley: Act2 - Yuzuru JinmaSunset Heights: Act1 - Sonic Adventure Music ExperienceSunset Heights - Act2 - TorienaChaos Island: Act1 - R.B.UChaos Island: Act2 - TorienaRadical Highway: Act1 - R.B.URadical Highway: Act2 - TorienaBoss Battle: Biolizard - RichaadEBBoss Battle: Metal Overlord (What I'm Made Of...) - Crush 40Boss Battle: Mephiles Pt-I - Circuit FreqBoss Battle: Mephiles Pt-II - Audissi StudiosBoss Battle: Devil Doom - Hidekuni HoritaBoss Battle: Neo Devil Doom (All Hail Shadow -Symphonic ver.)Event: Finale (The End of Neo Devil Doom) - Hidekuni HoritaDoom Zone - The QemistsTokyo (Westopolis - Teddyloid x Jun Senoue Remix)Event: Return to the Gate - GWIZ & Sonic Adventure Music ExperienceScore: Dark Beginnings - Yuzuru JinmaScore: Reminiscence - Kenichi TokoiWithout You - Casey Lee Williams & Jun SenoueWhite Space - Yuzuru JinmaWhite Space (Underground) - Yuzuru JinmaWhite Space (Doom Zoom) - Yuzuru JinmaTitle (Sonic x Shadow Generations) - Sonic Adventure Music ExperienceTitle (Sonic Generations) - Sonic Adventure Music ExperienceTitle (Shadow Generations) - Sonic Adventure Music ExperienceChallenge - Sonic Adventure Music ExperienceCollection Room - GWIZGate: Space Colony Ark - SenoueGate: Rail Canyon - Jun SenoueGate: Kingdom Valley - Jun SenoueGate: Sunset Heights - Jun SenoueGate: Chaos Island - Jun SenoueGate: Radical Highway - Jun SenoueGate: Boss - Jun SenoueGate: Tokyo - Jun SenoueJingle: Results - Jun SenoueJingle: Results (Tokyo) - Jun SenoueCut Scene 1 - Kenichi TokoiCut Scene 2 - Kenichi TokoiCut Scene 3 - Kenichi TokoiCut Scene 4 - Hidekuni HoritaCut Scene 5 - Audissi StudiosCut Scene 6 - Kenichi TokoiCut Scene 7 - Yuzuru JinmaEscape from the City (SXSG Extra Remix) - Jun SenoueVengeance Is Mine (SXSG Extra Remix) - Jun SenoueIf you haven't played this new version of Sonic Generations just yet, be sure to check out our review, we gave the game an "excellent" nine out of ten stars calling it "blistering return to form for both hedgehogs". Never too late, eh?The best 3D Sonic game..? Yes"Featuring the voice of Keanu Reeves"Will you be listening to this soundtrack on any of these services? What's your favourite track from the list above? Let us know in the comments.Related GamesSee AlsoShare:00 Liam is a news writer and reviewer for Nintendo Life and Pure Xbox. He's been writing about games for more than 15 years and is a lifelong fan of Mario and Master Chief. Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment...Related ArticlesSonic Movie Writers Talk About Two Requested Characters For Live-ActionThere's still hope with a fourth movie confirmedSonic The Hedgehog Will Be Back For A Fourth MovieIs anyone surprised?Round Up: The Reviews Are In For The Sonic The Hedgehog 3 MovieHere's what the critics had to say...Random: Sonic 3's Movie Writers Would Love To Adapt Zelda: Wind Waker To The Big Screen"We're putting it out there in the world"