15 Decent But Flawed Single Player Games of 2024
Every year features hundreds of games, and while several stand out, elevating the medium to new heights, others fail miserably and make us question how they came to be. However, there are also The Other Games those ranging from good to slightly better than expected. Ignoring their flaws is impossible, but they may resonate with you. Check out 15 such examples of single-player titles from 2024, warts and all.SlitterheadA bizarre mix of action and body horror from Keiichiro Toyama, the creator of Silent Hill, Siren, and Gravity Rush, Slitterhead practically screams, Not for everyone. As Hyoki, an amnesiac spirit who must slay the Slitterheads, you can take over the bodies of different NPCs and leverage their powers. Combat can be enjoyable, but technical issues, jank, and repetition blemish the experience. Its an acquired taste, though, and some may enjoy the body-hopping-focused gameplay while basking in the sheer weirdness of it all.
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