Every year were treated to some fantastic games which will be remembered for years to come. But, on the flipside, every year brings games that are notorious in their failings and run the risk in being remembered for all the wrong reasons. The games on this rundown, sadly, are amongst the worst 2024 has seen, and whilst some stand chance to improve over time most are already condemned to the dustbins.Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice LeagueThis game doesnt get what it means to be a superhero, full stop. Incremental powerups to characters who should already be suited to high-level meant this generic paint-by-numbers shooter was always destined to underwhelm. Most disappointing with Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League though is the fact Rocksteady were at the helm. The Arkham developers crafted multiplayer shooter when atmospheric single players are their bread and butter. The reported $200 million loss on the game hasnt perturbed WB Games though who seem strangely hellbent on going all-in on live service for their future titles.