Baldurs Gate 3 Astarion actor explains the characters best moment was a pure impulsive reaction
You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games hereNeil Newbon, the actor behind Baldurs Gate 3s iconic Astarion, has gifted gamers with one of the best performances in all of gaming. While some modders have attemptedand failedto make the character hotter since release, no one can deny that Newbons performance is nothing short of perfection.Last year, it was revealed that Astarions biggest moment in the gamehis confrontation with his vampiric abuser Cazador Szarrwas boosted by an incredible piece of improvisation from the actor. Now, Newbon has reflected on his time filming that scene, calling Astarions soul-shaking wail an impulsive reaction on his part.Baldurs Gate 3s best moment was impulsiveIn a lengthy interview with Nerdist, Newbon explained that acting requires performers to tow the line with suspension of disbelief. While the actor knew he was safe on set, for that moment in time, it is real, leading to some truly beautiful emotional acting from Newbon.After defeating Cazador Szarr, Astarion loudly sobs in an awe-inspiring, heartbreaking moment as he realises hes finally free. This part of the scene was not scripted, it was all Newbon, and he describes the action as a pure impulsive reaction on his part.So, it was an impulse that came out of the experience I was having as Astarion, for helping his story along, and it was just an impulsive reaction to the experience that Id created with Thomas, Newbon explained. Well, I asked Tom to let me do the whole scene complete. I knew it was such a big powerful moment that doing it line by line, which is often how we do these things, doing three takes in a row of a line and moving on, it wasnt going to work. It needed that flow and the energy flow through it to be able to go from start to finish to really captivate and understand where he was at that one time.I could have gone way big with that choice, but it didnt feel appropriate. It felt very appropriate.ASTARION VOICE ACTOR NEIL NEWBONAfter going through the scene, Newbon explained that they never did another take of the groundbreaking scene. After the powerful performance, everyone was happy, and it ended up being one of the most memorable moments within Baldurs Gate 3.I thought it was really honest and truthful without being melodramatic, without being over the top, without trying to say, Look at me. Im a great actor, the Baldurs Gate 3 performer said. It was more like, this is really raw and exactly how he feels, and its slightly understated. People could have gone way bigger, or I could have gone way big with that choice, but it didnt feel appropriate. It felt very appropriate.For more Baldurs Gate 3 coverage, read about how the cast have become genuine friends since release, or read about the cut content mod bringing early access maps back into the finished release. Baldurs Gate 3Platform(s):macOS, PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox Series XGenre(s):Adventure, RPG, Strategy10VideoGamerSubscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share
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