How to prestige in Black Ops 6
Prestige returns to Black Ops 6 with new emblems and a ton of rewards.Prestige in Call of Duty is essentially a rank reset system that gives you items and rewards you can show off to your friends and other players.Black Ops 6 improves on the prestige feature by allowing you to keep some of your progression as you advance, so you dont have to grind as hard to get back to where you were. Youre also rewarded with a lot of in-game cosmetics every ten levels, so there is something to look forward to in between hitting the next prestige.If the rewards arent enough for you, you can chase the extreme challenge of surpassing the ten prestige levels and aim for level 1000. In doing so, youll receive a secret reward and, maybe even a tease for the next Call of Duty title.The only problem is, it can be a little difficult to find in Black Ops 6s menus, so let us help. Heres how to prestige in Black Ops 6, what changes when you prestige, and all of the prestige rewards.Black Ops 6 prestige level requirementIn order to prestige in Black Ops 6, you must reach level 55.After youve hit level 55, a notification will appear on your screen asking if you want to prestige, allowing you to prestige immediately. However, since prestiging is a manual process, you can wait if you prefer.How to prestige in Black Ops 6When you are ready to prestige in Black Ops 6, follow these steps:Select the Barracks tab in the main menu of Black Ops 6 multiplayer.Click the Progression button.Choose the Prestige option in the middle of the screen.Hover over your available prestige level and hold down the associated Prestige Details button.Continue to the next screen and hold down the button to reset your level and enter prestige.What changes when you prestigePrestige functions similarly to previous Call of Duty titles where youll lose a lot of your progression for a new emblem, but you can keep some of your progression in Black Ops 6.After you prestige in Black Ops 6, the following changes will occur:Reset back to level 1All level unlocks will be locked (except for base operators, emotes, zombie gobblegums, and permanent unlocks)Loadouts will be resetCombat stats will be reset to reflect your current prestige level (lifetime stats can be viewed in the Combat Record)The following items will not be reset:Weapon progression, camos, and reticlesWeapon buildsChallenge progress and unlocksStore and Battle Pass contentOperator and emote unlocksZombie GobblegumsBlack Ops 6 prestige reward emblemsOnce you prestige in Black Ops 6, youll earn rewards inspired by previous Black Ops titles. For example, the first prestige is based on Call of Duty: World At War, and features a zombie operator.There are a total of ten base prestige levels, with two bonus prestiges for the dedicated Call of Duty players. Each prestige level will have six rewards (except for Prestige 1, which has seven):One Permanent UnlockLoading screen and social wallpaperGobbleGum packAnimated emblemCharmBlueprint or Operator skinThe Permanent Unlocks are given to you immediately after you prestige and allow you to permanently unlock a single item of your choice. For example, if you permanently unlock the AS VAL, you can use it at level one rather than reaching level 55 again.The other five rewards will be distributed to you every ten levels (level 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50), and will always be in the order of loading screen, GobbleGum pack, animated emblem, charm, blueprint/operator skin.To see what the rewards look like, you can check them out in the Prestige section in Black Ops 6, or check out the gallery below.If youve completed all ten prestiges, youll become a Prestige Master, which has the ability to reach level 1,000 and unlock even more rewards, such as prestige icons from previous Call of Duty titles, operator skins, and weapon blueprints.If you reach level 1,000, youll become a Prestige Legend, which will provide you with a Samuels operator skin, loading screen, weapon upgrade GobbleGum pack, emblem, spray, and a PP-919 weapon blueprint. All of the rewards can be seen in this YouTube video from MrDalekJD.Elsewhere, we have explainers on maps, Double XP, and the best guns in Black Ops 6, as well as guides for the campaign, including safehouse puzzles and safe code locations.