Okami Sequel Capcom Wants to Deliver More Exciting News as Soon as Possible
Few would have predicted that wed be getting a proper sequel toOkamianytime soon, but at The Game Awards in December, Capcom made the announcement that the beloved action-adventure title is indeed getting a follow-up, with the original games director Hideki Kamiya returning to lead development on the sequel with the newly formed studio, Clovers.To kick off the new year, Kamiya has published a message for fans on Clovers official website, where he says the announcement ofOkamissequel and Clovers own unveiling last month were merely the beginning, and that Capcom is determined to deliver even more exciting news to you as soon as possible.Looking back, this past year was a significant one, as we announced the establishment of our studio, revealed a new project weve got in development, and shared the news of the next chapter in my career, Kamiyas message reads. It feels good to finally be able to bring some exciting news to all of you.However, I want to emphasize that these announcements are merely the beginning. This is Clovers stepping up to the starting line. The true test of our value as a newly established game studio begins now. Clovers is a newborn in the games industry, and well only grow and evolve from here. I hope youll keep a close eye on us and follow our journey.The rest of our dedicated team and I are determined to deliver even more exciting news to you as soon as possible.Of course, theres not much clarity there on how long the wait until the next update onOkami 2(or whatever the game ends up being called) is going to be. At the time of its announcement, it was said that early production on the project was about to begin, so clearly, were several years away from release right now. Presumably, itll be a while before we get any new details.In addition toOkamiand the newly announcedOnimusha: Way of the Sword, Capcom has said it also intends to revive other dormant properties. Read more on that through here.
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