If theres one genre thats delivered incredible titles, year in and year out, for decades, its the role-playing game. With the sheer number of settings, combat systems, characters and stories, selecting the very best games in the genre is a challenge. After all, everyone has their precious memories of getting lost in a fantastical world. Regardless, here are our picks for the 15 best role-playing games of all time.Star Wars: Knights of the Old RepublicAfter their success, many wondered where BioWares next game could venture. Few expected Star Wars; even fewer expected perhaps the best story in the franchise to date with Knights of the Old Republic. As an amnesiac Jedi, players explore well-worn and brand-new locations while becoming reacquainted with the Force. With stellar writing and companions, an excellent combat system, and the alignment system dictating ones bent towards the Light or Dark side, Knights of the Old Republic is an iconic title for any RPG and Star Wars fan.