Cowabummer!If you're as sick of Batman's origin story as everyone else, don't worry, because James Gunn has no intention of putting it to screen"We dont need to hear the origin story again."Image credit: Warner Bros News by Oisin Kuhnke Contributor Published on Jan. 5, 2025 You're probably pretty familiar with Batman's origin story by now, so thankfully James Gunn has said there's no plans to show it in the new DCU.The problem with constant reboots and new takes on beloved characters, is that we've seen so much of it before. We all know that Superman crashes on a farm as a baby, we're all aware that Spider-Man gets bitten by a radioactive spider and gets super powers, and we've all seen Batman's parents being killed in front of him, setting him on a path of vigilantism. But whenever the caped crusader arrives on the big screen on DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn's new DCU, he won't be doing so in an origin story. Speaking to Rotten Tomatoes, Gunn explained that Batman "already exists in this universe, just like when we come to the Superman movie and we see that Superman already exists, he's already known by the people in Metropolis. We dont need to hear the origin story again."To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Batman has now technically arrived in the new DCU, as he made a cameo in a recent episode of Gunn's Creature Commandos, with the filmmaker explaining that it's "just a way to introduce that Batman is a part of this universe." Don't pay too much attention to the cameo though, as Gunn also noted that he really isn't ready to lock anything in about the character. "When they first showed the episode to me, there was a lot more Batman. And I said, 'Im not ready to commit to that... more silhouette!'" To see this content please enable targeting cookies.While there is a new Batman film on the way, there's currently no word on when we can expect to see it. That one's called The Brave and the Bold, and is set to be directed by The Flash director Andy Muschietti (certainly a choice), and while it won't be canon to the DCU, there's also The Batman: Part 2 - though that recently got another delay all the way into 2027.