PIONER is Looking Like the Perfect Hybrid of Fallout And STALKER
Team-based competitive shooters are in danger of being totally overdone. It is becoming increasingly challenging to stand out in what is an ultra-competitive domain, just look at the fate of Concord. Thus, tapping into a niche is more critical than ever.PIONER is anMMORPG FPS coming from studio GFAGames is chucking nearly every possible mechanic and system into its experience. Big lungful of air now: theres an alternate reality open world filled with Stalker and Fallout-esque anomaly; dense lore that is richly imbued in classic sci-fi; theres a story campaign; therell be both PvE missions and PvP arenas; minigames in the shape of casinos and fishing; an extraction shooter mode; factions with unique personalities; extensive weapon customisation; survival mechanics; crafting; clan-based social interaction; raids, the list feels like it should go on.We know what youre thinking: how can a game combine all these features into one unified experience? Can it possibly be good at everything? Or is there a danger Pioner will be defined as a jack of all trades master of none?To alleviate any concerns, its worth pointing out that GFAGames have been working on Pioner since its inception in 2021, so thats plenty of time for the team of 70 to get all the games ducks in a row. Furthermore, the game has probably has the finances secured too, so the budget will most certainly be there to ensure Pioner is as polished as possible come its eventual release. And finally, if you pay attention to its gameplay reveals you might notice a handful of careful design considerations thatll assist players in dividing their workload to avoid tending to numerous different game modes simultaneously.The games open world is an isolated Soviet-era island, a 50 square kilometre patch of irradiated wasteland known as Tartarus populated by wild animals, mutants, and cosmic anomalies. This setting, whilst not exactly the Chornobyl exclusion zone, is how Pioner gets its comparisons with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. although it must be pointed out that this is not a rip-off as some may infer. No, both GSC Game Worlds vision of The Zone in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and GFAGames radiation-heavy island draw inspiration from the same source: the Strugatsky brothers philosophical sci-fi novella Roadside Picnic and, by extension, Andrei Tarkovskys 1979 movie adaption. For reference, Roadside Picnic can be argued at this point to have spawned a whole genre off the back of its phantasmagorical phenomena, with VR game Into The Radius and 2024s Pacific Drive showing clear influence alongside movies such as Alex Garlands Annihilation and Amazon Prime series Tales from the Loop.This island though, its divided up into sectors whereby specific activities can be undertaken. In the developers words, the right-hand side of the island (so presumably, the east) is the territory youll find the harshest PvPvE zones and clan wars. This area, dubbed the Empty Lands, is where youll find the fiercest firefights against human opponents alongside the islands most ferocious creatures, but here is also where the most valuable loot is found. This territory is devoid of quests and, in the developers words, is much less forgiving than the islands other regions. Straight away, were seeing a risk versus reward in venturing into these most hostile of zones. The games Escape from Tarkov style extraction mode is found within the Shadowlands, a derelict wasteland nestled inside the right-hand read: the eastern side of the island too. Gameplay here comprises gathering resources alongside your clansmen before taking strategic choke points and production facilities by force, then attempting to reach a safe zone via a multitude of possible paths.GFAGames points out that there are no guides on the right-hand side of the island, meaning fast travel is impossible. However, guides will, ahem, guide you in other sectors of the island, where extraction shooter zones are eschewed in favour of raids and world bosses more akin to well-established MMO FPS titles like Destiny 2.If theres familiarity in the games activities, GFAGames are banking on the fantastical phenomenon cloaking the island to inject some unfamiliarity. No matter how often Roadside Picnics inspiration crops up in media, video games interactive nature oftentimes provides the most effective adaptations. These worlds made hostile by unfathomable forces are unwaveringly intoxicating, but video games excel over other forms of media in how this phenomenon can be interacted with and how it influences gameplay.Within Pioners island, bundles of energy known as artefacts are dotted throughout although these are stated as extremely rare, the implication being their value is sky-high. Furthermore, GFAGames advises that activation of these artefacts by the wrong hands can lead to disastrous consequences. Whilst they havent given us a precise explanation as to what these disastrous consequences entail, we are shown glimpses of anomaly-enhanced weaponry a rifle modified with bullets that can melt whatever lands in its sight and sickly green landmines which elevate out of the marshy ground before detonating. Of course, the wrong hands could lead us towards believing therell be an antagonistic force operating on the island, an army hellbent on gathering up all the powerful artefacts for themselves. GFAGames are being tight-lipped on Pioners narrative arc, but we do see a couple of cultish looking dudes stepping through a dark forest as a sinister narrator speaks of breaking free from shackles whilst the power of the tides destroys you.What this means, we dont know for sure, but it seems a safe bet that the reason behind all this inter-island conflict will be something to do with the power these artefacts bestow. The islands factions are at war, vying for possession of cosmic forces they probably dont fully understand. And speaking of factions, Tartarus is stated presently to be divided between four although details on two are all thats been shared up to now. Therere the local islanders dubbed the Source Conglomerate and a paramilitary unit operating under the moniker Brigade. What little detail we do know in Pioners story is that players will be tasked by faction leaders to complete missions, with players choosing with whom they wish to align. Completing tasks builds relationships, fosters loyalty, and yields bonuses. Alongside resources gathered, a healthy wad of cash will be integral to crafting upgrades for the games host of weapons. Anomaly scanners likely another item integral to survival can be upgraded or, as hinted in Pioners gameplay reveal, be bought outright.Survival mechanics round out the brutal experience, although were not seeing full Fallout style base building at present. These mechanics are likely going to include the need for rest, recouperation, and nourishment. Whilst weapon designs are suitably weathered to reflect the irradiated landscape they inhibit, were not seeing misfires or wayward aiming akin to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series or Far Cry 2. Thats a detail which would certainly foster a deeper immersiveness in the islands conflict although GFAGames might have already decided surviving this hostile climate is tough enough without weapons skewing awry. All equipment is rated by accuracy, rarity, and damage though, so you never know.At face value Pioner doesnt seem to have a lot of originality, but the gunplay looks great, the environments are well considered, and its lore intriguing. Should all the survivalist mechanics meld well with the plethora of game modes then Pioner looks like an online competitive shooter that has a solid chance of establishing itself for a long time.Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.