How to complete all Forced Perspective quests in Infinity Nikki
Table of ContentsTable of ContentsForced Perspective: Caged BirdForced Perspective: Ship in a BottleForced Perspective: Flowers in Three VasesForced Perspective: Capturing a ThiefForced Perspective: Long-Eared BunnyForced Perspective: Catching a Big FishForced Perspective: Light up the Bridge LampsForced Perspective: Flying BuntingsForced Perspective: Thuddy SnowmanForced Perspective: Happy BearForced Perspective: Empty FlowerpotForced Perspective: Burning with AngerForced Perspective: Catching a WaterfallThere are many different types of puzzle quests in Infinity Nikki, such as the Kindled Inspiration or the Risky Photography quests. One of the tougher types of quests to complete are the Forced Perspective quests that require you to take photos in specific perspectives to illicit an illusion of sorts.Recommended VideosDifficultyModerateDuration1 hourYou will come across a myriad of Forced Perspective quests around the open world of this gacha dress-up game. If you're stuck figuring out how to take the right photo for the Infinity Nikki Forced Perspective quests, here's some guidance on what your photos should look like.InFold GamesTalk to Ginona by the bridge in Florawish. She is standing on the deck of her house, and will ask you to take a photo of a caged bird for her.The bird cage is right behind Ginona, alongside the bird that you're meant to pretend is in the cage with this perspective.InFold GamesInFold GamesToscani is south of the Mayor's Residence Warp Spire and looking out over the water. He wants a photo of a ship in a bottle.This one is tricky, but make sure to zoom in enough for the photo to accept the ship inside of the bottle.InFold GamesInFold GamesToscani will now be by the house north of the Mayor's Residence Warp Spire. He's looking for a photo of three vases with flowers.Get right in front of the three blue vases in front of the house and make it look like the middle one has white flowers in it.InFold GamesInFold GamesTalk to Toran, who is near the statue outside of the Mayor's Residence. He wants a photo of what looks to be a captured thief.Just behind Toran is a house with an iron fence. Find the part with the thief painted on the walls, and take a picture with the iron bars in front of the thief.InFold GamesInFold GamesQiara is at the Leisurely Anglers Florawish Branch and is looking for a photo of a long-eared bunny.Use the hanging life ring as the bunny's body, and the two oars behind it as the bunny ears for this photo.InFold GamesInFold GamesViliak is at Meadow Wharf and wants you to take a photo of you catching a big fish.Hop onto the small boat on the water to get the right angle for this photo. Have the hook in front of the drawing of the fish.InFold GamesInFold GamesMeet Tristan at night in front of the Breezy Meadow bridge. He's looking for a photo showing the bridge's lamps lit up.Run backward far enough so you can use the lamp post in your photo. Make the lamp's light parallel with the hanging bridge light.InFold GamesInFold GamesJust southwest of the Lavenfringe Fields Warp Spire in Stoneville is Rico. He wants a photo of two scarecrows pulling the bunting.Take a picture of the red and blue scarecrow with the bunting in between and behind them.InFold GamesInFold GamesTalk to Sunkissed Stella in the Abandoned District on Windrider Mill. She wants a photo of a snowman.Nearby are two pumpkins that when photographed together look like the head and body of a snowman.InFold GamesInFold GamesTalk to Playful Pollie in the Handsome Lads Circus maze in the Abandoned District. She wants a photo of a bear holding balloons.Take the photo of the hay bale bear near the entrance to the maze with balloons in its paw.InFold GamesInFold GamesFind Sopuda by the river northeast of the Wishcraft Lab in the Wishing Woods. She wants a photo of a flower pot with flowers.Put the flower bush that's growing on the ground in front of the empty flower pot.InFold GamesInFold GamesTalk to Turaida in the Grand Tree Residential Area in the Wishing Woods. He wants a photo of himself burning with anger.Get in perspective so that the blue flame drawing is right behind Turaida's head.InFold GamesInFold GamesFind Titibo in the northern part of the Wishing Woods south of the Workshop Waterwheel Warp Spire. He wants a photo of a barrel catching a waterfall.Zoom into the small barrel and make it look like the waterfall to the west is falling into it.InFold GamesEditors Recommendations