All flying mounts in Palworld and where to find them
Flying mounts are essential for getting around Palworld, which you may have noticed features a deceptively huge map.Sure, going from waypoint to waypoint feels like a walk in the park until youre faced with the ginormous cliffsides, which turn your little trek to a treacherous journey to Mordor. You can either attempt to climb your way up, or hop on the back of a flying Pal, which can be hard to find in their own right.Read on for a full list of all flying mounts in Palworld, plus information on which flying mounts are the fastest, and where you can find all of them.All Flying Mounts in PalworldThere are a total of 22 Pals who can be used as a flying mount in Palworld. At a glance, they are:NitewingVanwyrmVanwyrm CrystBeakonRagnahawkElphidranElphidran AquaQuivernQuivern BotanHelzephyrHelzephyr LuxAstegonSuzakuSuzaku AquaFalerisFaleris AquaShadowbeakFrostallionFrostallion NoctJetragonSelyneXenolordWhat is the best flying mount in Palworld?The fastest flying Pal in Palworld is Jetragon. Unfortunately, Jetragon is one of the hardest Pals to catch; it can only be caught during the Alpha Boss fight, and its catch rate is absurdly low. You should also know that its base level is 50 and it can only be bred by two Jetragons.Fortunately, there are a few other relatively quick Pals who you can use on your journey to the fastest of them all. In the early levels, Vanwyrm is the best of the litter not fast, per se, but faster than the other options. In the middle levels, Beakon and Ragnahawk will really make it feel like youre flying instead of trudging through the air. These two should be good enough until you reach the late game beasts Frostallion and Jetragon.Where to find all flying mounts in PalworldBelow, weve listed where to find all flying mounts in Palword, organized by their Paldeck number.Nitewing locationLocation (Day and Night): Eastern Windswept Hills, Marsh Island, Eastern Wild Island, Sea Breeze Archipelago, Dessicated Desert, and Alpha Boss location on the Ice Wind IslandElement: NeutralTechnology level: 15Saddle materials: 20 leather, 10 cloth, 15 ingots, 20 fiber, 20 Paldium fragmentsVanwyrm locationLocation (Day and Night): Southeast Bamboo Groves, Mount ObsidianElement: Fire and DarkTechnology level: 21Saddle materials: 20 leather, 10 flame organs, 15 ingots, 30 fiber, 20 Paldium fragmentsVanwyrm is the fastest flying mount youll find early on at least until you get far enough to get to Beakon.Vanwyrm Cryst locationLocation (Night): Land of Absolute ZeroElement: Ice and DarkTechnology level: 41Saddle materials: 24 leather, 12 ice organs, 18 ingots, 36 fiber, 24 Paldium fragmentsBeakon locationLocation (Day and Night): Northern Dessicated Desert and Alpha boss location in the Bamboo GrovesElement: ElectricTechnology level: 34Saddle materials: 20 leather, 10 cloth, 20 ingots, 20 electric organs, 25 Paldium fragmentsRagnahawk locationLocation (Day and Night): Southwest Mount ObsidianElement: FireTechnology level: 37Saddle materials: 25 leather, 15 cloth, 20 ingots, 20 flame organs, 25 Paldium fragmentsElphidran locationLocation (Day and Night): No. 1 Wildlife SanctuaryElement: DragonTechnology level: 21Saddle materials: 20 leather, 20 fiber, 15 ingots, 20 Paldium fragmentsYou can also grab an Alphaversion of Elphidran north of the red forest.Elphidran Aqua locationLocation: Breeding Farm with Elphidran and Surfent Element: Dragon and WaterTechnology level: 28Saddle materials: 24 leather, 24 fiber, 18 ingots, 24 Paldium fragmentsQuivern locationLocation (Day and Night): No. 2 Wildlife SanctuaryElement: DragonTechnology level: 36Saddle materials: 30 leather, 30 ingots, 10 cloth, 30 Paldium fragmentsQuivern Botan locationLocation: Cherry Blossom Crossroads, southern SakurajimaElement: Dragon/grassTechnology level: 49Saddle materials: 30 leather, 30 ingots, 20 cloth, 40 Paldium fragmentsHelzephyr locationLocation (Only Night): Moonless Shore and Verdant BrookElement: DarkTechnology level: 33Saddle materials: 30 leather, 10 cloth, 30 refined ingots, 20 electric organs, 30 Paldium fragmentsHelzephyr Lux locationLocation: Northern SakurajimaElement: Dark/electricTechnology level: 52Saddle materials: 30 leather, 10 plasteel, 30 electric organs, 60 Paldium fragmentsAstegon locationLocation (Day and Night): No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary and Alpha boss location in Mount ObsidianElement: Dragon and DarkTechnology level: 47Saddle materials: 30 leather, 50 refined ingots, 50 ingots, 55 Paldium fragmentsAstegons Alpha boss location can be a little difficult to find as it is hidden inside the Destroyed Mineshaft. Head over to the coordinates (-578, -415) to find the entrance to the mineshaft and follow the path to challenge the boss.Suzaku locationLocation (Day and Night): Southern Dessicated Desert and Alpha boss location in Dessicated DesertElement: FireTechnology level: 40Saddle materials: 20 leather, 25 refined ingots, 20 flame organs, 40 Paldium fragmentsSuzaku Aqua locationLocation: Breeding Farm with Suzaku and JormuntideElement: WaterTechnology level: 41Saddle materials: 24 leather, 12 ice organs, 18 ingots, 36 fiber, 24 Paldium fragmentsFaleris locationLocation (Day and Night): No. 3 Wildlife SanctuaryElement: FireTechnology level: 38Saddle materials: 30 leather, 10 cloth, 30 refined ingots, 25 flame organs, 30 Paldium fragmentsThis Pal is admittedly hard to find in the Wildlife Sanctuary, as it doesnt spawn as frequently as some of the other Pals. That said, once you find one, youre pretty much set until you get Jetragon.Faleris Aqua locationLocation: The northern ash-filled areas of the Feybreak regionElement: WaterTechnology level: 55Saddle materials: 30 leather, 20 high quality cloth, 5 plasteel, 30 Pal fluids, 75 Paldium fragmentsShadowbeak locationLocation: No. 3 Wildlife SanctuaryElement: DarkTechnology level: 47Saddle materials: 50 leather, 40 refined ingots, 25 venom glands, 45 Paldium fragmentsJust like Faleris, this one is a rare spawn at the Wildlife Sanctuary. You may be better off breeding a Kitsun and Astegon together to net yourself a Shadowbeak.Frostallion locationLocation: Alpha boss location in the Land of Absolute ZeroElement: IceTechnology level: 48Saddle materials: 100 leather, 200 refined ingots, 50 ice organs, 75 Paldium fragmentsFrostallion Noct locationLocation: Breeding Farm with Frostalliion and HelzephyrElement: DarkTechnology level: 48Saddle materials: 120 leather, 240 refined ingots, 60 venom glands, 90 Paldium fragmentsJetragon locationLocation: Alpha boss location in Mount ObsidianElement: DragonTechnology level: 50Saddle materials: 100 leather, 200 refined ingots, 50 circuit boards, 140 Paldium fragmentsThis Legendary Pal will demand your full attention throughout your battle with it, as its quite hard to nab. Youll need your best gear and Pal spheres to catch it.Selyne locationLocation: Meteorite events in SakurajimaElement: Dark/neutralTechnology level: 53Saddle materials: 20 leather, 60 Paldium fragments, 30 plasteel, 10 meteorite fragmentsXenolord locationLocation: Needs to be summoned at an altar using Xenolord SlabsElement: Dark/dragonTechnology level: 60Saddle materials: 30 leather, 200 Paldium fragments, 50 dark fragments, 30 meteorite fragmentsFor morePalworldguides, weve got you covered. If youre just starting out, weve got abeginners guide, a list ofall Pals, and atype chart. We also have explainers onbreeding,eggs, and a rundown of howmultiplayerworks.On the hunt for resources? Check out our guides on how to getore, coal,polymer,leather,sulfur,wheat seeds,pure quartz,Ancient Technology Points, andancient civilization parts. For advanced players, consult our lists of alltower boss locations, allpassive skills, allflying mounts, and thebest base locations.