Fake Baldurs Gate 3 Mobile port scam makes its debut alongside other AAA knockoffs
You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games here Contents hide Larian Studios Baldurs Gate 3 is one of the best RPGs ever made, and it takes a lot to make the game run. However, with Larian somehow managing to bring Divinity Original Sin 2 to iOS, some mobile gamers have held out hope that one day a Baldurs Gate 3 iOS port could be released.As it turns out, the usual band of knockoff developers and online scammers have heard the pleas of iOS gamers, but have they delivered? Obviously not, as Larians RPG, alongside other AAA games, is being used to rope in unsuspecting gamers to ridiculous fake products.Fake Baldurs Gate 3 iOSAnyone looking for Baldurs Gate on the iOS app store expect to find a few things: the ports of classic games in the series from over a decade ago, and the typical guide apps available for every game. (Who is downloading these?)Released in November 2024, Baldurs Gate 3 Mobile Turuk is a scam app designed to trick unsuspecting gamers into paying for a useless subscription. Listed as a free application, the games description claims players will be able to create their own character from a wide range of D&D classes or choose one of several pre-made Origin characters, each with their own unique storyline and motivations.Alongside the obvious bogus description, the games store page entry uses official Baldurs Gate 3 screenshots with fake mobile control overlays. Screenshots show the always-attractive Astarion in the character creator as well as gameplay screenshots showing the boss fight against a Spectator, the mini Beholder.All of this is to try and loop unsuspecting players into the apps true purpose, signing up for a useless subscription. Priced at $29.99 for 30 days, the subscription claims to unlock access to the game, which is doesnt. Furthermore, the apps terms of service reveal that it does collect numerous pieces of data, including a users IP address. Its worth noting that Larian Studios has already shut down rumours of a Baldurs Gate 3 Mobile port in the past. While this doesnt mean the game will never come to iOS platforms especially as iPad tablets continue to skyrocket in power it does mean that gamers should look to official sources before downloading sketchy games on their phone. A worrying trendUnfortunately, Baldurs Gate 3 is far from the only game to be targeted in these fake mobile releases. For example, GTA 6 Mobile is a game available on the iOS App Store, complete with screenshots of GTA V. With GTA 6 not even announced for PC yet, its unlikely any mobile port is coming for that particular game.Most of these games are short-lived on the App Store, and the iOS refund system is typically strong enough to get most scam victims their money back. However, for those who dont know how to use the Apple Refund services, or those who simply dont know it exists, its worrying that these games are able to make their way to the iOS App Store at all.For more Baldurs Gate 3 coverage, read about the games last major patch on the way this year. Furthermore, read about how Google Stadia ended up causing major issues for the game that still exist today.Subscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share