All Pocket Promo A cards in Pokmon TCG Pocket
Promo cards have a lot of variance in Pokmon TCG Pocket. Some can be easily purchased from the shop, while others can only be obtained from limited time events. Right now, all promo cards are part of the Promo A series.If you were a late adopter of Pokmon TCG Pocket, you may have missed out on some of the Promo cards from the early events and Premium Passes. Unfortunately, there has been no indication that any cards no longer available will return to the game, but for posteritys sake, heres every promo card in the Promo A series.Heres a list of every Promo A card in Pokmon TCG Pocket and how to get them. Or if you have all of these, see the full list of Mythical Island cards.All Promo A cards list in Pokmon TCG PocketHeres every Promo A card listed in a handy table:Card #CardTypeHPAttack/AbilityObtained from1 / P-APotionItem—Heal 20 damage from 1 of your Pokémon.Shop2 / P-AX SpeedItem—During this turn, the retreat cost of your active Pokémon is 1 less.Shop3 / P-AHand ScopeItem—Your opponent reveals their hand.Shop4 / P-APokédexItem—Look at the top 3 cards of your deck.Shop5 / P-APoké BallItem—Put 1 random basic Pokémon from your deck into your hand.Shop6 / P-ARed CardItem—Your opponent shuffles their hand into their deck and draws 3 cards.Shop7 / P-AProfessors ResearchSupporter—Draw 2 cards.Shop8 / P-APokédexItem—Look at the top 3 cards of your deck.Not available9 / P-APikachuLightning60Gnaw (20)Premium shop10 / P-AMewtwoPsychic120Power Blast (120) — Discard 2 psychic energy from this Pokémon. Premium mission reward11 / P-AChanseyColorless120Gentle Slap (60)Meowth and Chansey Wonder Pick Event12 / P-AMeowthColorless60Pay Day (10) — Draw a card.Meowth and Chansey Wonder Pick Event13 / P-AButterfreeGrass120Gust (60)   Powder Heal (Ability) — Once during your turn, you may heal 20 damage from each of your Pokémon.Lapras ex Drop Event14 / P-ALapras exWater140Bubble Drain (80) — Heal 20 damage from this Pokémon.Lapras ex Drop Event15 / P-APikachuLightning60Gnaw (20)Lapras ex Drop Event16 / P-AClefairyPsychic60Slap (20)Lapras ex Drop Event17 / P-AMankeyFighting50Reckless Charge (30) — This Pokémon also does 10 damage to itself.Lapras ex Drop Event18 / P-AVenusaurGrass160Mega Drain (80) — Heal 30 damage from this Pokémon.Venusaur Drop Event19 / P-AGreninjaWater120Mist Slash (60)   Water Shuriken (Ability) — Once during your turn, you may do 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon.Venusaur Drop Event20 / P-AHaunterPsychic70Surprise Attack (50) — Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing.Venusaur Drop Event21 / P-AOnixFighting110Land Crush (70)Venusaur Drop Event22 / P-AJigglypuffColorless50Sing — Your opponent's active Pokémon is now Asleep.Venusaur Drop Event23 / P-ABulbasaurGrass70Vine Whip (40)Bulbasaur and Magnemite Wonder Pick Event24 / P-AMagnemiteLightning60Lightning Ball (20)Bulbasaur and Magnemite Wonder Pick Event25 / P-AMoltres exFire140Inferno Dance — Flip 3 coins. Take an amount of fire energy from your energy zone equal to the number of heads and attach it to your benched fire Pokémon in any way you like.   Heat Blast (70)Premium mission reward26 / P-APikachuLightning60Gnaw (20)New Year 2025 Event mission27 / P-ASnivyGrass60Tackle (20)Blastoise Drop Event28 / P-AVolcaronaFire120Volcanic Ash — Discard 2 fire energy from this Pokémon. This attack does 80 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon.Blastoise Drop Event29 / P-ABlastoiseWater150Hydro Pump (80+) — If this Pokémon has at least 2 extra water energy attached, this attack does 60 more damage.Blastoise Drop Event30 / P-AEeveeColorless60Growl — During your opponent's next turn, attacks used by the defending Pokémon do –20 damage.Blastoise Drop Event31 / P-ACinccinoColorless90Do the Wave (30x) — This attack does 30 damage for each of your benched Pokémon.Blastoise Drop Event32 / P-ACharmanderFire60Ember (30) — Discard a fire energy from this Pokémon.Charmander and Squirtle Wonder Pick Event33 / P-ASquirtleWater60Water Gun (20)Charmander and Squirtle Wonder Pick Event
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