Coinciding with Paul Rudolphs retrospective at The Met, a new show at Yale centers Tuskegee Chapel, and Rudolphs kindred collaboration with Louis Fry and Colonel John Welch on the project. The Tuskegee Chapel: Paul Rudolph X Fry & Welch opens this week inside New Havens Yale Architecture Gallery. The exhibition tells the story of how two Tuskegee architecture professors, Fry and Welch, worked closely with Rudolph to realize the dazzling, sculptural chapel atop the Alabama campus designed by Robert R. Taylor. Tuskegee Chapel was one of Paul Rudolphs finest projects, completed at the HBCU Tuskegee University between 1960 and 1969.Original drawings, like this master plan perspective, will be on view. (Courtesy Yale Architecture Gallery)Helen Brown Bechtel curated The Tuskegee Chapel with Dr. Kwesi Daniels, Roderick Fluker, Timothy Hyde, and Carrie Norman. In a curatorial statement, the organizers noted that Fry and Welch successfully translated Rudolphs sculptural concrete form into a spiritual home in local brick that echoed and modernized the building vernacular of Tuskegee.Original photography of Tuskegee Chapel by Ezra Stoller will be on view (Ezra Stoller/Courtesy Yale Architecture Gallery)The exhibition simultaneously shows how the design by Rudolph, Fry, and Welch was in contextual dialogue with the campus architecture, built promptly after Tuskegee University was established by Dr. Booker T. Washington over a century ago. On view at Yale Architecture Gallery will be architectural models of Tuskegee Chapel, as well as full-scale brick replicas of masonry retails by Fry and Welch. There will also be rarely seen construction drawings by Fry and Welch, but also concept sketches, correspondences with Rudolphs team, photography by Tuskegee alumnus Chester Higgins, and more.The show will feature rarely seen construction drawings of brick detailing by Fry and Welch. (Courtesy Yale Architecture Gallery)Full-scale models that show Tuskegee Chapels brick detailing will be on display. (Courtesy Yale Architecture Gallery)Major Holland, the last living member of the design team at Fry and Welchs studio, was interviewed for the exhibition; that exchange between Holland the curators will be available for public consumption.Last but certainly not least, Ezra Stollers iconic photographs of the building will also be on view, matched by a newly commissioned masonry sculpture by Myles Sampson, and recordings from Tuskegees famous Golden Voices Concert Choir.Live recordings of Tuskegee Universitys Golden Voices Concert Choir will be available at the exhibition. (Courtesy Yale Architecture Gallery)The Tuskegee Chapel: Paul Rudolph X Fry & Welchis open from January 9 through July 5.