Ok...This is now getting really ridiculous, we have never seen anything alike this before in the console gaming history.I'll stop on commenting now. I'll just wait and see what will happen now. I still finds this unbelievable since they're actively breaking NDAs."Switch 2" is a potentially $10b industry and literally every accessory makers are now leaking it!? Are they really risking their existences? Nintendo could easily ended their business forever and making those people debt riddled for the rest of their life, is it indeed worth?Also I finds this very difficult to stomach about how incredibly similar "Switch 2" (if it's real) and Switch looks. It doesn't matters if it's called "Switch 2", it still will confuse many because of its similarity.None of PSX, PS2, PS3, PS4 or PS5 looks anything alike apart of each other.Well I'll wait and see if I were right all time along or that I were dead wrong.Seriously, I can't wait until we sees it for real. This is easily my most anticipated gaming console ever since I began to play video-games in 1987 when NES came to my country.One last thing... Why is it only accessory makers who're "leaking" it now, and not one singe game developers this so far. This is really interesting!