One Small Giant StepThat Shadow of the Colossus movie you absolutely forgot about is apparently not "an abandoned project by any means"Just don't bet on it coming out any time soon.Image credit: Japan Studio/ Sony/ Bluepoint News by Oisin Kuhnke Contributor Published on Jan. 8, 2025 You probably don't remember that a Shadow of the Colossus film is in the works, but it is, and even though there's been silence for years, it's not dead in the water.Way back in the distant year of 2009, Sony announced that a film adaptation of PS2 classic Shadow of the Colossus was in the works. Back then, game adaptations weren't as frequent as they are now, so such an announcement maybe would have been a bit more of a surprise, especially considering the source material. That was 16 years ago now though, and times have changed - Sony just announced a couple of movies this week, in fact. You'd think after all this time, and with very few updates, there'd be nothing going on with it any more, but nope! In 2014 The Flash and It director Andy Muschietti was attached to the project after Chronicle Director Josh Trank dropped out.To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Now, as reported by Reconectados (and translated by TheGamer), Muschietti has shared an update with Argentinian radio station Radio TU, against all odds. "The film has been in development for 10 years, and now the possibility of making it opens up," Muschietti explained, going on to say that it was never "an abandoned project by any means." The director admitted he wasn't a massive gamer, but to him Shadow of the Colossus was a "masterpiece", and said the film adaptation even has a script that he likes "a lot."Production hasn't started yet on the project, with Muschietti noting that there are "factors that have nothing to do with your desire to make it, but with how popular an intellectual property like this is. Shadow of the Colossus is a cult game, but to make a good film, there is a studio that puts the numbers and says how much it is worth to give the director 200, 150, or 100 million dollars. There are different versions of the film, and obviously, I want them to give me 200 million, but this is another factor to take into account."He's not wrong. Shadow of the Colossus is a universally beloved game, but it isn't exactly the most popular game ever made, even if it is an influential one. Personally, I think this one should just be left alone, but hey, where there's IP, there's potential money to be made, right Sony?