Switchmon SaysNintendo finally says a thing about those Nintendo Switch 2 leaks, mockups, and nine million other things, and it's exactly the kind of thing you'd expectThe company behind Mario has done some words about its uber-secret unrevealed console.Image credit: VG247/Nintendo News by Mark Warren Senior Staff Writer Published on Jan. 10, 2025 Following a week or so of various Nintendo Switch 2 leaks, dummy models, and release window rumours sloshing around the internet like the inside of a waterlogged wellie (that's a wellington boot, non-brits) Nintendo has finally said a thing in response to at least some of it.No, it's not that it thinks you going to your local tarot card reader in an attempt to learn when the console will be revealed is a bit weird, but that is still a bit weird.To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Instead, Ninty's adressed those mockups of the Switch 2 that accessories manufacturer Genki attracted more attention than it had anticipated when it showed off at CES. Look, in fairness, you can't always tell when people will be really, really excited by the prospect of looking at a plastic box and trying to tell how many extra USB ports have been added to it.According to Automaton, Nintendo has issued a statement on those mockups to CNET. "The gaming hardware that Genki presented as Nintendo hardware at CES is unofficial and was not provided to the company by us," it said.That's not all though, as the clearly feeling very verbose company also told Sankei Shimbun that alleged images and videos of the Switch 2 which've been circulating online recently "are not official." Phwoar, don't write us an essay Nintendo.So, there you go. Nintendo has responded. Silence broken. At least all the leaks are no longer happening while people do that Vincent Vega shrugging GIF wondering where Nintendo's own perspective on the topic is, rather than it just quietly preparing for the Switch 2 reveal that's almost certainly coming at some point between now and the end of time.To be fair, I understand all the chatter. I too am desperate to run away from a giant shark on a jetski via something with the number 2 associated with it.